Expert Meeting of the Research Group 'Towards a Theology of Evangelization' on the theme 'Metamorphosis'
On April 12th and 13th, 2024, the expert meeting of the Research Group 'Towards a Theology of Evangelization' took place. The meeting aimed to highlight how mutations in the image of God represent one of the main issues of interest for a theology of evangelization.
Presentation by the organizers: In his essay 'Afternoon of Christianity,' Tomas Halík states that "sometimes, people sitting in the same pew in church profess the same creed but have very different ideas of God." It is necessary to examine these "images," starting with those presented to us by Sacred Scripture throughout the historical span of salvation, particularly starting from the Revelation that comes from the mouth of Jesus of Nazareth (Mazzinghi).
Of these images, it is necessary to be able to unmask the drifts of idolatry and superstition (Sequeri, Alici), valorizing the demands and sensibilities of contemporary society (Cosentino, Segoloni). All this, without losing contact with what empirical data tell us about the forms of belonging and religious experience present in the social fabric of countries with an ancient Christian tradition (Diotallevi).
Participated in the common discussion: Luca Mazzinghi, Luca Diotallevi, Simona Segoloni, Pier Angelo Sequeri, Francesco Cosentino, Luigi Alici and Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti.
Starting from the biblical context (understanding of Scripture and its various historical contexts), during the debate, the theoretical implications of the issue were examined, both those of a philosophical nature (anthropology and culture) and those more properly theological (dogmatic and fundamental theology), also analyzing empirical data on the forms and impact of such changes (sociology of religion). Based on these reflections and information, were made to discuss which strategies for proclaiming the Gospel would be most appropriate today and what skills to deploy (theology of evangelization, pastoral theology, and communication sciences).