Department of Moral Theology

The different courses in the plan of studies offered by the Department of Moral Theology are based on the universal call to holiness. Special attention is given to the practical consequences of this call for the different charisms in the Church and in the different aspects of the Christian life. Because of this focus, the line of research in morality heavily favors what today is known as “virtue ethics”.

Recalling the classical tradition, this field of study has been broadened by many recent developments, and places the practical-operative consideration of the good of human life in its totality at the center of ethical theory. From this perspective virtue ethics tries to distinguish the priorities to be assigned to the various activities that make up one's life as a whole and to clarify the criteria according to which one should govern the use and actualization of human goods; this ordering of priorities and these criteria of rational governance form the essential content of the moral virtues.

This approach seems to be the most adequate for the personal formation and for the transmission of Christian morality to our complex society, a society wherein a discussion of “ought” and the varying norms of conduct urgently requires an adequate frame of reference to illustrate what role these have in the lives of human beings.


In evidenza

The Department of Moral Theology has taken the initiative to start a course in Spanish, from February 16 to May 25, 2023, on virtue ethics, entitled Características y temas fundamentales de la ética de la virtud, taught by Rev. Prof. Ángel Rodríguez Luño. The course explores the main themes of fundamental morality from the specific perspective of virtue ethics, weaving in other current concepts and the recent Magisterium.

Time: 3:55 p.m. - 5:35 p.m.
Attendance: in-person and online
Language: Spanish


More Information


Professors of the "Annales Theologici", journal of the School of Theology, who are preparing their contribution for the 2nd issue of 2019, discuss their study on "The common priesthood of the faithful" with other professors.
The day of study took place on Thursday, September 27, 2018.

Giornata di "Annales Theologici"


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Mercoledì 18 gennaio 2017, la Facoltà di Teologia ha celebrato la Festa accademica del Patrono San Tommaso d'Aquino.

Dopo la Santa Messa nella Basilica di Sant'Apollinare, presieduta dal decano rev. prof. Philip Goyret, il rev. prof. Santiago Sanz, della stessa Facoltà, ha tenuto la lezione San Tommaso del Creatore (Chesterton). Le ragioni e l'attualità di un appellativo.

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