The Interdisciplinary Documentation Center of Science and Faith (DISF) is an interdisciplinary center for research and formation
In 2002, foundation of the DISF was laid with the publication of the Dictionary of Interdisciplinary Documentation of Science and Faith. At the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, after about 15 years in the making, the Center for Research and Formation, the portals disf.org and inters.org, and the Higher International School for Interdisciplinary Research (SISRI) were founded.
The main purpose of the DISF Research Center’s studies and initiatives is to increase the philosophical-humanistic formation of those working in the field of scientific research—young graduates, researchers, and scholars, who wish to enrich their studies or professional experience with a broader interdisciplinary framework—keeping in mind the philosophical foundations of the different disciplines, as well as the Christian Revelation.
Generally speaking, the research center's initiatives are intended to bring to fruition a more developed fusion of faith and reason in all those engaged in intellectual work and research. The center’s work is directed at scholars who have different philosophical or religious perspectives, as long as they are interested in the role the Judeo-Christian tradition of thought plays in the formation of Western culture.
The DISF Research Center is financially supported by the Italian Bishops' Conference (fondi 8xmille alla Chiesa cattolica)
What we have done over the years
Our websites: disf.org - Inters.org in English - Sisri.it