Training course for teachers: Towards an integral ecology. Custody of the planet and promotion of humanity

The DISF Research Centre, the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences all'Apollinare (ISSRA) and the Federation of Institutes of Educational Activities (FIDAE) are organizing a training course for secondary school teachers entitled "Towards an integral ecology. Custody of planet and promotion of humanity".
The course will be held in two sessions:
• Saturday, 11 November 2023: Prof. Ivan Colagè - Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, DISF Center
• Saturday, 25 November 2023: Prof. Luca Fiorani - Sophia University Institute
Participation, exclusively online, allows you to obtain a certification for 1 training credit after registering via the S.O.F.I.A. platform.
To register click here.
For information write to issrapoll [at] or edu [at]