Laboratorio di Ricerca Santa Croce


The Santa Croce Research Laboratory was born in the academic year 2021-2022, when a reflection process regarding the research began, thanks to the suggestion made by Pope Francis' Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium.

The document revealed the fact that:

In this effort, the worldwide network of ecclesiastical universities and faculties is called to offer the decisive contribution of leaven, salt and light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the living Tradition of the Church, which is ever open to new situations and ideas. (Veritatis Gaudium; 3, c).

The occasion of the upcoming 40th Anniversary of the University in the Rector's Council presents us with the opportunity of fulfilling the Pope's wish.

With the aim of involving everyone in the process, the laboratory has started from listening to the professors, who were invited to provide their suggestions on desirable research themes and methods, within a general framework.

The overall aim is to promote collaborative, interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary, international research, in partnership with other pontifical, Catholic and lay universities, focused on themes of evangelizing value impact.

Creating Network

Hence, were created focus groups composed by professors from different fields, in order to promote and encourage dialogue between the Faculties. This promoted the creation of an environment in which professors had the opportunity to interact, exchange ideas and conceive strategic research topics for the future of the University. Through these multidisciplinary exchanges, the focus groups also contributed to the creation of new partnerships. A final document was drawn up, including all the different contributions and  priorities highlighted by the professors.

In the 2022 - 2023 academic year, the first Call for projects was held. As a result, 13 projects were presented which are involving 38 institutions from 17 different countries, for a total of 60 professors from our University and 49 from other academic institutions. Thus, the following 3 research groups were chosen by the Scientific Committee (made up of internal and external professors at the University):

University and Catholic Identity

Footprints. Young people: Expectations, Ideals, Beliefs

Towards a Theology of Evangelization

The second Call for Projects started in September 2023 and submissions were accepted until February 2024. The evaluation of the new research project was submitted on May 2024. Thus, there were selected 4 new research groups:

A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry into Human Creativity

Purpose and Models of Governance in the Church

Rediscovering the Individual. An inquiry into a reshaped metaphysics

Towards a culture of care. A response to the anthropological crisis




Between 2 and 3 May 2025 the Research Group Purpose and Models of Governance in the Church will organize an Expert Meeting. The goal of these two days is to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue in which each participant presents their methodological perspective in relation to the study topics.

Between April 10th and 11th 2025, the Research group Towards a Theology of Evangelization in partnership with Facoltà Teologica dell'Emilia-Romagna  are about to organize the third Expert meeting of the Research Project on Evangelization. The meting will be held this time in Bologna. 

From March 6th to 8th, 2025 (9:00 AM, Álvaro del Portillo Hall), the School of Philosophy and the Research Group For a Culture of Care: A Response to the Anthropological Crisis organized the 25th International Conference titled Perspectives on Altruism: Empathy, Compassion, Care. The initiative aimed to explore—both theoretically and practically—the theme of altruism as an essential bond between the self and the other, and as a distinctive characteristic of humanity.

On February 15, the Permanent Seminar of the International Higher School for Interdisciplinary Research (SISRI) took place, with Professor Giovanni Corazza from the University of Bologna as a guest. The theme of the SISRI Permanent Seminar this academic year is "The Faces of Creativity. Human Specificity in the Scientific Context," linked with the Research Project A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry into Human Creativity.


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