Department of Spiritual Theology

The new evangelization, so encouraged by the recent Pontiffs, requires evangelizers who know how to communicate the experience of God in a language that is up-to-date, attractive and comprehensible, as well as permeated by a profound theological sense. The divine filiation and the personal relationship with Christ are central points of reference of our teaching, which seeks to dialogue with other human sciences in order to meet the interests of the people of our time.

The study programme is aimed at the theological formation of:

  • professors of spirituality
  • directors and spiritual leaders
  • seminary trainers
  • formators of novitiates
  • all those who will have pastoral care of the laity.

For three reasons:

  • We want a Catholic, that is, truly universal, missionary impetus to spread from Rome.
  • We have inherited the ecclesial charism of St Josemaría: a secular spirituality that knows the world of family and work well.
  • We offer personalised attention to our students, convinced that formation develops best in a friendly, family atmosphere.


In evidenza

On Saturday, April 5, 2025 (9 a.m., Benedict XVI Hall), at the initiative of the Joan Baptista Torelló Research Group, a Meeting of Mental Health Professionals will be held on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Sick and the World of Health.

In addition to the Torelló Group, the activity is organized by:

  • International Association of Catholic Therapy and Coaching (Regno Unito & Spagna)

  • Sociedad Magda Arnold, Università Francisco de Vitoria (Spagna)

  • Foro de Pensamiento Cristiano y Salud Mental (Spagna)

On Friday, March 15th (from 3 pm to 6 pm) and Saturday, March 16th, 2024 (from 9 am to 12:30 pm) in Room A305, the Joan Baptista Torelló Research Group, in collaboration with the ROR Group, has organized a Course on the Emotional Regulation of the Spiritual Companion. The activity aimed to provide participants with some psychological skills that will help them to engage in spiritual companionship in an enriching way, both for the accompanied person and for the companion themselves.

On Wednesday, April 27, 2022 (8.30 am, Aula Magna "John Paul II"), on the initiative of the School of Theology, a Day of Study dedicated to Movements, New Communities, Associations and Lay Aggregations will be held on the theme Time to reap the fruits of the Spirit.

More information

Giornata sui Movimenti, Nuove Comunità, Associazioni e Aggregazioni laicali

Professors of the "Annales Theologici", journal of the School of Theology, who are preparing their contribution for the 2nd issue of 2019, discuss their study on "The common priesthood of the faithful" with other professors.
The day of study took place on Thursday, September 27, 2018.

Giornata di "Annales Theologici"


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