www.eticaepolitica.net is a web page which aims to offer instruments for penetrating more deeply into ethical and ethical-political problems. It is a personal initiative taken by the professors of ethics and moral theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) which places both published and unpublished studies, research, and opinion pieces at public disposition. The original source is always indicated within the study. Unpublished texts may be referenced by indicating the author and network location. The ideas and opinions contained in each contribution are the exclusive responsibility of the author. The webpage is managed directly by Profs. Angel Rodríguez Luño, Enrique Colom, and Duarte Sousa Lara.
Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE)
This collaboration with the School of Philosophy focuses on the ethics of economics, advancing detailed studies from an interdisciplinary perspective. The project seeks to develop the Church’s social doctrine through educational and cultural programs involving business and finance.