Inauguration Ceremony on Monday, October 4, opening the 2021/2021 Academic Year

On Monday, October 4, 2021, the Inauguration Ceremony opening the 2021/2022 Academic Year took place.
The traditional votive Mass of the Holy Spirit was held in Sant'Apollinare Basilica (9.30 a.m.), presided by the Grand Chancellor of the University, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, and con-celebrated by clergy from the different schools.
In Aula Magna 'Giovanni Paolo II', the Solemn Academic Act took place (11 a.m.). Prof. Giorgio Faro, from the School of Philosophy, gave the inaugural speech on the theme Indagine sul senso del lavoro, attraverso immagini allusive e paradossi.
The Academic Act was ollowed in streaming to the following link.