Summer School on "Writing and Developing Cinema and Tv Projects"

The Summer School in English Writing and Developing Cinema and Tv Projects is scheduled from September 14 to 21, 2021, promoted by the Alta Scuola in Media Comunicazione e Spettacolo of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan in collaboration with our School of Church Communications.
The Summer School has the goal to provide students, script-writers and producers with an intensive training in cinema/Tv storytelling (workshop 1) and with the opportunity to develop International Cinema projects (as well as TV-Movies and Miniseries) under the guidance of Bobette Buster – one of the most renown teachers of script-writing and development consultants in the USA (workshop 3). A special focus will be dedicated to the writing and development of projects who have a spiritual/religious content (workshop 2). It will be held by authors and consultants of some International Tv projects who have been highly successful in many countries in the world (Francesco Arlanch, Luisa Cotta Ramosino, Armando Fumagalli).