Insa F. (a cura di), Loving and Teaching Others to Love. The Formation of Affectivity in Priestly Life

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The faith reaches the peripheries of the world by the attraction of love. That’s why Pope Francis has recommended that we all embark on a “revolution of tenderness”. Priests have a special role in this revolution, by loving and teaching others to love. They do so by the virtue of chastity, "a sign of purity in relationships and in the gift of self", as the "Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis" (no. 21) has put it.
In February 2018, the Center for Priestly Formation (Università Pontificia della Santa Croce, Rome) organized the Fifth Study Week for Seminary Formation Staff, with the topic of "Teaching and Learning to Love: Human Affectivity and Christian Chastity". Priests from 17 different countries attended the congress, sharing experiences from a variety of disciplines on forming the emotional life or affectivity of seminarians.
This book brings together some of the presentations given during the Study Week. It will be a great tool for any seminary formation staff and will help their seminarians to love God and men with ever purer hearts. That’s how they’ll become priests able to teach others to grow in this love.
Contributors: Bishop José María Yanguas (Cuenca, Spain), Fr. Julio Diéguez (Moral Theology, Università della Santa Croce), Fr. Paul O’Callaghan (Theological Anthropology, Università della Santa Croce), Fr. Wenceslao Vial (Psychology and Spirituality, Università della Santa Croce), Fr. Francisco Insa (Bioethics, Università della Santa Croce), Fr. Hans Zollner, S.I. (Dean of the Institute of Psychology and President of the Centre for Child Protection, Pontifical Gregorian University), Dr. Carlos Chiclana (Psychiatrist, San Pablo CEU University in Madrid), Fr. Maurizio Faggioni, O.F.M. (Systematic Moral Theology, Alphonsian Academy), Bishop Massimo Camisasca (Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, Italy).