The Spokesman Behind Saint John Paul II - Professional Memories of Navarro-Valls’ Friends and Colleagues

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This is a book of testimonies. Testimonies of people who knew Joaquín Navarro-Valls and wish to share their memories as a memorial tribute. The contributors are friends “from both sides” of the press office (colleagues and journalists) as well as professionals of the communication field, managers, essay writers and biographers, friends, the doctors who took care of him…
I leave you in the hands of Joaquín’s friends. I hope that you enjoy their contributions as much as I did in preparing these pages. (Rafael Navarro-Valls, Brother of Joaquín Navarro-Valls)
CONTRIBUTORS: George Weigel, Victor L. Simpson, Daniela Petroff, Valentina Alazraki, Janne Haaland Matlary, Alberto Michelini, Beatrice Lorenzin, Ciro Benedettini, Ezio Mauro, Federico Lombardi, Luigi Accattoli, Paolo Arullani, Yago de la Cierva, Norberto González Gaitano, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, Stefano Lucchini, José María La Porte, Sergio Marchionne, Rafael Navarro-Valls.