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Forthcoming Events

On the 13th and 14th of March 2017, at the initiative of the School of Canon Law, took place the 21st Congress of studies on the subject, Codification and Law in the Church. "The Centenary of the first codification invites the canonist to question the historical significance of the decision to give a systematic order to ecclesiastical legislation; on the consequences of this option for the canonical rules and their content, on the continuity with tradition or not, on the method of canonical science and its instruction, on how to apply justice in the Church and, ultimately, on today's reality of codified canon law," said the organizers.
On Wednesday, March 8th (10:00 AM, Basilica of Sant'Apollinare), the Apollinaris de Victoria Ensemble leaded a Musical Meditation for Lent on the theme "He loved them to the end."
From March to June, at the initiative of the School of Church Communications and in collaboration with the ISCOM Association, the seventh edition of the Specialization Course on Religious Information will be hosted, intended for Vatican journalists on the topic of current affairs journalism related to the Catholic Church. More informations
The Institute of Liturgy organized, Wednesday, March 1, 2017, a Day of Study on The beauty of the Eucharist: the presence of the Glory. More information
From February 23 to 25, 2017, the Internation Conference on the theme The Metaphysical Dimensions of Nature took place. The event was organized by the School of Philosophy & University of Notre Dame (South Bend). More information Online registration
From February 2018, the Markets, Culture & Ethics Research Center has organized a course of formation for priests, lay persons and members of religious orders who work for the Church in economic and administrative capacities. The Program of Church Management consists in two terms, with 4 full time weeks and a total of 296 teaching and training hours. Will be hold in partnership with: the LUISS Business School of Rome, the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, the Kellogg School of Management, the Center for Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas St. Paul-Minneapolis More informations
Domenica 19 febbraio 2017, alle ore 12.10 nella Basilica di Sant'Apollinare, si terrà una Santa Messa in onore della Madonna dell'Apollinare, Patrona del nostro Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose. La celebrazione sarà presieduta da Mons. Francesco Cavina, Vescovo di Carpi e docente dell'Istituto.
Il 16 febbraio 2017 ha avuto inizio la IV edizione del Corso per formatori di Seminari, rivolto a sacerdoti studenti a Roma che dovranno in futuro svolgere un servizio nella formazione ed accompagnamento dei candidati al sacerdozio. Il corso avrà una durata di due semestri accademici e si concluderà nel mese di gennaio 2018. Orario delle lezioni: il giovedì dalle ore 15.30 alle 17.15. Ulteriori Informazioni
Dal 15 febbraio al 5 aprile 2017 si svolge la IV edizione del corso Ars prædicandi, tenuto dai professori Sergio Tapia e Alberto Gil. Si tratta di un seminario con un orientamento prevalentemente pratico per aiutare i sacerdoti affinchè la loro predicazione possa assolvere le tre funzioni classiche dell'arte della retorica: movere (convincere), delectare (piacere) e docere (insegnare). L'obiettivo è raggiungere i fedeli in una maniera più efficace e attraente nei diversi generi dell'oratoria sacra. Le sessioni si terranno i


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