A summer conference for English-speaking Catholic men, scholars, and theologians from around the world presented by the Apologetics Institute and The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross on the theme Recovering a Lost Anthropology (June 4-11, 2022)
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May 30 - July 25, 2022
Introductory Course (MOOC) 2nd edition
School of Church Communication
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On Thursday, 26th May 2022 (16.00, Aula Magna “John Paul II”), the second meeting on Lay Holiness dedicated to sanctity, marriage and family will be held at the end of the “Amoris Laetitia Family” Year convened by Pope Francis.
The Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, and Professor Carla Rossi Espagnet, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, was the main speakers.
This was followed by a round table discussion dedicated to Witnesses of Holiness in Marriage with biographers and postulators for Causes of Canonization of some married couples from various parts of the world.
The event took place both in person and via video streaming:

On May 19, 2022 (3 pm, Aula Álvaro del Portillo), as part of the activities of "Vita Universitaria" and in collaboration with the School of Philosophy, the Seminar on Nihilism and Scientism. Some philosophical answers took place.
Speakers: prof. Mario De Caro (Roma Tre University) and prof. Gennaro Luise (Santa Croce), moderated by prof. Iacopo Ranciaro ("Democrito" State High School).
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On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, organized by the School of Philosophy, the second day of study on Étienne Gilson entitled "Evil and freedom. Medieval paths" took place.
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Pandemic and storytelling. The answer of art to human frailty is the title of the Day of Study promoted by the School of Church Communications and the "Poetics & Christianity" Research Group for April 29, 2022.
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On Wednesday, April 27, 2022 (8.30 am, Aula Magna "John Paul II"), on the initiative of the School of Theology, a Day of Study dedicated to Movements, New Communities, Associations and Lay Aggregations will be held on the theme Time to reap the fruits of the Spirit.
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A partire dal 17 febbraio 2022, la Facoltà di Filosofia organizza una serie di Workshop dedicati al tema dell'intelligenza e al modo di concepire il pensare.
La serie si intitola: Coltivare il bene dell'intelligenza. Dall'epistemologia all'educazione. Gli altri appuntamenti avranno luogo il 26 aprile e il 24 maggio.
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On Thursday, April 7 2022 (3.30 pm, Aula Álvaro del Portillo) the School of Philosophy will hold a Day of Stdy on the occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the review «Acta Philosophica».
The monographic notebook 1/2022 entitled "Substance and Accidents: Views and Developments from the late Middle Ages to the Modern Age" will also be presented.
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