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Forthcoming Events

Starting from this academic year, our University has introduced multimedia interactive whiteboards in classrooms A209 (second floor) and A305 (third floor) for use by both faculty and students. The new equipment will enable traditional lectures to be conducted with the aid of advanced technology. Simultaneously, interactive hybrid classes (in-person and streaming) can be facilitated. The provision of these whiteboards will also allow for the recording of lectures and courses, which can be later disseminated to a broader audience. This initial investment, currently in the experimental phase, may be expanded over time to include other classrooms. It positions the University of the Holy Cross as technologically advanced and a pioneer in such innovation among the
On the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the Italian edition of the Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology – the shared initiative of the Pontifical Universities and Institutions of Rome to promote the vision and mission of Pope Francis' Laudato Si' to which our university also adheres – the 2nd English edition of the same Diploma is being launched, titled "Course on Integral Ecology: from Laudato Si’ to Laudate Deum." The activity is offered online in collaboration with numerous leading groups in the field of care for creation. The course consists of six modules, each lasting 90 minutes; classes will take place from January to June 2025 (every third Thursday of the month from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Rome time
On Thursday, January 11, 2024, the School of Canon Law celebrated the Academic Feast of the Patron Saint Raymond of Penyafort. Following the Holy Mass in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare, presided over by the Dean of the Faculty, Fernando Puig, the Academic Ceremony was held in the "Álvaro del Portillo" Lecture Hall.
Professor Schanda Balázs, from the Péter Pázmány Catholic University of Budapest and Judge at the Hungarian Constitutional Court, gave a lecture on the State and Church in the Countries of the former Eastern Bloc three decades after the fall of communism.
Workshop: Transparency and Accountability in the Catholic Church - A Practical Journey. June 17-21, 2024
On June 17-21, 2024, the Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE) Research Centre will host the International Workshop Transparency and Accountability in the Catholic Church: A Practical Journey​​. The workshop was developed in collaboration with St. Thomas University's John A. Ryan Institute, St. Mary University in Twickenham, London, and the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.  The workshop aims to empower Catholic Church leaders by providing them with actionable insights for implementing transparency within
"In quella notte resa santa dalla nascita del Salvatore troviamo un altro segno potente: la piccolezza di Dio. Gli angeli indicano ai pastori un bambino nato nella mangiatoia. Non un segno di potenza, di autosufficienza o di superbia. No. Il Dio eterno si annienta in un essere umano indifeso, mite, umile. Dio si è abbassato perché noi potessimo camminare con Lui e perché Lui potesse mettersi al nostro fianco, non sopra e lontano da noi." (Pope Francis, Introduction to the book "Il mio presepe" - LEV 2023)
The Rector and the Academic Community of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross wish everyone a Holy Christmas and a Happy
On Friday, December 15, 2023, the ceremony for the presentation of the University's silver medals took place in the presence of the Vice Grand Chancellor, Mons. Mariano Fazio, honoring those who have completed 25 years of service. Following the introductory and commemorative remarks by the rector, Luis Navarro, silver medals were presented to professors Andrea Aiello, Rafael Díaz Dorronsoro, Carlos Jódar, Jerónimo Leal, Jorge Milán, and Laurent Touze. Laurent Touze, in particular, shared some memories connecting him and the other recipients to the University. The closing address was entrusted to the Vice Grand Chancellor, who
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 (at 3:30 PM, aula minor Álvaro del Portilllo), the School of Theology organized an Afternoon of Theological, Spiritual, and Artistic Exploration titled 800 years since the first nativity scene (1223-2023).
Moderated by prof. Gutiérrez-Martín, director of the Institute of Liturgy of the Holy Cross, the discussion included the essayist fr. Enzo Fortunato, OFM Conv., liturgy lecturer Giuseppe Falanga, and the master of Neapolitan nativity art, Aniello Gaudino.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 (at 3:00 PM, Benedetto XVI Hall), our University hosted the Session of the Joint Diploma on the thought of Saint Thomas Doctor Humanitatis, dedicated in the Academic Year 2023-2024 to the theme Il bonum: gift of the creator and task of creation. The lectures were delivered by prof. Catalina Vial, on The God-Love in history: the Holy Spirit and the grace of Christ,'and prof. Marco Vanzini, on Man's faith as an opening to the Love of God. The Joint Diploma program is annual, with each year focusing on a specific aspect of the thought of Saint Thomas. There are 9 modules, each entrusted to a Pontifical University or Institution that organizes
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 (at 3:00 PM, Aula Álvaro del Portillo), the III Étienne Gilson Medieval Studies Day took place. Professors fr. Serge-Thomas Bonino, OP (Angelicum), and Fabrizio Amerini (University of Parma) spoke on the theme 1323: Thomas Aquinas, theologian, philosopher, saint. Seven hundred years since canonization. On this occasion, some publications on the History of Medieval Philosophy edited by professors B. Ippolito and A. Petagine (Roma Tre), E. Dezza (Antonianum) were presented. Information


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