Forthcoming Events

From September 28 to 30, the seminar O Vaticano por dentro e in loco took place, an initiative now in its third edition, aimed at Portuguese-speaking journalists and communicators who cover religious news, with the purpose of offering them the best possible understanding of certain unique aspects of Church life. Organized and promoted by the Iscom Association and the School of Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the course saw the participation of over 50 Portuguese-speaking media professionals.
Various events - including sessions and visits - involved academics, members of the Curia, experts from the ecclesiastical world, and Vatican specialists. (
On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the academic community participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new Rector, Rev. Prof. Fernando Puig. The event was presided over by the Vice Grand Chancellor of the University, Monsignor Mariano Fazio, who also welcomed the professors who will assume new positions: Rev. Prof. Giulio Maspero (Dean of Theology), Rev. Prof. Thierry Sol (Dean of Canon Law), Rev. Prof. Giovanni Zaccaria (Vice-Rector), and Prof. Carla Rossi Espagnet (Director of ISSR at Apollinare). The outgoing Rector, Don Luis Navarro, thanked the academic community for the support received during his eight-year term, also
The Research Group ‘University and Catholic Identity’ of the University of the Holy Cross organised an Expert Meeting on 26 and 27 September on the mission, purpose, and future of Catholic academic institutions. Experts in communication, governance and theologians from Europe, America, Latin America and Asia from 19 different universities and the FIUC (International Federation of Catholic Universities) discussed the two-day event.  The Research Group ‘University and Catholic Identity
From Monday, September 2, 2024, until Friday, September 27, the Italian Course for newly enrolled students will take place. There are about 90 participants from many European countries, the United States, Latin America, and Asia. The Department of Languages of our University, in collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society, is once again offering new students the opportunity to learn Italian before the academic year begins.  
In September 2024, the Department of Educational Resources of our University organized several training activities for the teaching staff. The aim was to provide effective tools to promote innovative teaching, keeping pace with the times and functioning effectively, also through the use of applications available in the virtual classroom Discere.
The Grand Chancellor of the University, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, has confirmed Rev. Prof. Stefan Mückl as Vice-Dean of the School of Canon Law for a further four-year term, effective from October 1, 2024, and has appointed Rev. Prof. Pablo Gefaell as Coordinator of Studies, replacing Rev. Prof. Thierry Sol. Additionally, on September 23, 2024, Pope Francis appointed Rev. Prof. Massimo del Pozzo, Full Professor of Constitutional Canon Law, as Consultant to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.  
Friday, September 20, 2024 (9 AM - 6 PM, Álvaro del Portillo Hall), on the tenth anniversary of the passing of Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco (1936 - 2014), professor of Dogmatic Theology and Patristics at the University of Navarra, and also a professor to several faculty members of our University, a Conference entitled What method for a theology at the service of evangelization? was organized in his honor. During the event, speakers from various universities explored the methodological elements that characterized the teaching and research of the Spanish theologian, recalling his academic contribution. Poster
Registration is open for an intensive course on the Decalogue (in English), promoted by the School of Theology and the Isaac Abarbanel University Institute of Buenos Aires. The course (3 ECTS), titled One Revelation and Two Traditions: The Decalogue and Its Jewish and Christian Readings and open to students of the Pontifical Universities, aims to promote knowledge and dialogue between Jews and Christians. It also includes two visits to the Vatican Library. For further information
From September 16 to 18, 2024 (9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Álvaro del Portillo Hall), the University hosted the VI Meeting of the Latin American Communication Network (ODUCAL), organized this year in collaboration with the International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC) on the occasion of its 100th anniversary, to which Santa Croce also adheres. About forty communicators from various Spanish-speaking university institutions reflected on the theme Construyendo puentes: comunicación, identidad y confianza. The lectures were delivered by professors from the School of Communication: José María La Porte (on the topic of identity), Gema Bellido (contextual intelligence), Juan Manuel Mora


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