For the second year, the University adheres to the Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology, the initiative shared between the Universities and the Pontifical Athenaeums of Rome based on the message of the Encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato si'.
The Diploma will be developed in six modules, corresponding to the six chapters of the Encyclical, divided into two lessons of two hours each.
It will be offered to students of pontifical universities as well as members of religious orders, priests, catechists, and pastoral workers who have completed a Bachelor or a High School degree.
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In the twentieth anniversary of the Fides et Ratio of St. John Paul II, the School of Philosophy organized, on October 17, 2018, the round table Access to God today, to analyze the challenges and perspectives of the important papal document.
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Registrations are open at the course of formation "Program of Church Management", organized by the Markets, Culture & Ethics Research Center. The Course is for priests, lay persons and members of religious orders who work for the Church in economic and administrative capacities.
It's realized in partnership with: the LUISS Business School of Rome, the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, the Kellogg School of Management, the Center for Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas St. Paul-Minneapolis
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On Wednesday, October 10, 2018 the "Elina Gianoli Gainza" Chair was officially presented; the Chair is active in the School of Church Communications. Rector Luis Navarro, the Dean of the School of Church Communications José María La Porte, the Coordinator of the Chair Norberto González Gaitano and the same benefactor Elina Gianoli Gainza took part at the event.
Among the aims of the Chair, support for the Family & Media Project, the international think tank that analyzes the relationship between family, media and society.

On October 10 to 14, 2018 the Symposium on The Councils and Minorities will be held in Rome and the Vatican, organized by the Church History Department and by other research organizations that deal with these issues.
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Monday, October 8, 2018, the Inauguration Ceremony opening the 2018/2019 Academic Year took place.
The traditional votive Mass of the Holy Spirit was held in Sant'Apollinare Basilica, presided by the Grand Chancellor of the University, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, and con-celebrated by clergy from the different schools.
In Aula Magna 'Giovanni Paolo II', the Solemn Academic Act took place. Prof. Luis Martínez Ferrer, from the School of Theology, gave the inaugural speech

The new issue of Notizie dalla Santa Croce, the free internal bulletin published by the University Communication Office, is being distributed these days.
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Professors of the "Annales Theologici", journal of the School of Theology, who are preparing their contribution for the 2nd issue of 2019, discuss their study on "The common priesthood of the faithful" with other professors.
The day of study took place on Thursday, September 27, 2018.
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Academic Guide, Year 2018-19, is available online.
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Church Communications