On Thursday, March 11, 2021, the Feast of the University took place in memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our first Grand Chancellor. The celebration began at 3pm in the main auditorium "Giovanni Paolo II".
The journalist Valentina Alazraki, correspondent and vaticanist of Televisa (Mexico), spoke about her professional experience accompanying the latest pontificates, from St. John Paul II to Pope Francis.
Flyer |

On Friday, February 26, 2021 (Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II") there was a "celebratory day" for the 25th anniversary of the School of Church Communications, erected in 1996.
There was a face-to-face meeting for professors in the morning, and an online event for students and alumni in the afternoon.
Program of the Day | More activities for the Anniversary | Press release (it)

From February 18 to May 27, 2021, every Thursday (except March 11, April 1 and 8), from 3 to 4.40 pm, the Schools of Theology and Canon Law organize the Optional Course (4 ECTS) Ecclesial Movements: a reality on the way. The service of ecclesial law.
For information and registration: teologia [at] pusc.it (School of Theology) | canonico [at] pusc.it (School of Canon Law)

On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, on the initiative of the Institute of Liturgy, a Day of Study was held on the theme "Il Mysterium dell'Assemblea. Alle radici di un problema attuale".
More information

The 5th edition of the Ars Celebrandi course will begin on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, aimed at facilitating a more fruitful participation in the Eucharistic celebration by both the priest and the faithful.

On January 29, 2021, on the initiative of the School of Church Communications and Associazione ISCOM, a Live streaming on Journalism between infodemic and essential service will take place.
web info

On January 14 the former Prefect of the Secretary for the Economy at the Vatican, Cardinal George Pell, joined the Program of Church Management and the Global Institute of Church Management for a webinar on Creating a Transparent Culture in the Catholic Church. During the webinar, the Cardinal addressed some of the key points of transparency and how it should be pursued in the Church.
“Money is a tainted thing that can fascinate clerics”
– he said. “It’s a tyrannical master that’ll dry up our hearts and distort our vision, it’ll take us away from what the Gospel wants

Starting this week the procedure for the Evaluation of Courses reserved for Faculty students is active.
Go to the evaluation

On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 (9.15-12.15) the live streaming on "Communication on migrants and refugees between solidarity and fear" will take place.
web info