Judith Kovacs (1945-2020), was a professor at the University of Virginia. She was a philologist, exegete, and devoted herself to biblical as well as patristic studies; always striving for a theological understanding of texts. Judith was driven by a great love for Christian revelation and Church tradition, which was expressed through her authentic, open dialogue and ecumenism. This passion led her to always promote the works of her interlocutors and, in particular, young researchers. Those who met Judith were always struck by her ability to ask daring questions, which always stemmed from a deep curiosity about God and man's salvation.
The Judith Kovacs Scholarship has been established to honour her intellectual legacy. Its aim is to promote a two-year call for

Promoting trust in journalism is a challenge that the media, not infrequently perceived as not very credible, cannot escape. From these considerations, the Day of Study on the topic "Trust in the media and care for relationships" took place, scheduled for Wednesday March 16, 2022.
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Il Centro di Studi Giuridici sulla Famiglia organized its IV interdisciplinary Congress, to reflect on the family as "the protagonist of an integral ecology, because it is the primary social subject" (Pope Francis).
As in the previous days of the CSGF, interdisciplinarity was characterized the dialogue and study of this dimension of the family, examined from a philosophical, theological, legal and ecological perspective.
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As is now customary, the University Feast Day was held on March, 10 2022 in memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our founder and first Grand Chancellor, on the anniversary of his birth.
It took place from 3 pm in the Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II", with the performance Travelling with Dante.
The initiative was aimed at students, teachers and administrative staff.

On March 2, 2022, Ash Wednesday, the university community joined the Fasting Day for Peace, as requested by Pope Francis.
During the Mass at 12:45 pm in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare, presided by the Rector of the University Luis Navarro, there was a particular prayer for peace in Ukraine, in union with the whole Church.
In the morning, again in the Basilica, another celebration saw the participation of first-year students from the School of Church Communications, including some from Ukraine.

From February 16 to May 25, 2022, every Wednesday (except April 13 and 20), from 3 to 4.40 pm, the Schools of Theology and Canon Law organize the Optional Course (4 ECTS) Ecclesial Movements: a reality on the way. The service of ecclesial law.
For information and registration: teologia [at] pusc.it (School of Theology) | canonico [at] pusc.it (School of Canon Law)

Dal 31 gennaio al 4 febbraio 2022 si è svolta la VII Settimana di Studio per Formatori di Seminari, con il titolo «Se il Figlio vi farà liberi, sarete liberi davvero». La formazione nella e per la libertà nel cammino sacerdotale.
L'attività è indirizzata a sacerdoti con incarichi nei seminari, e tenterà di avviare una riflessione comune e un proficuo confronto fra i diversi protagonisti nella formazione dei candidati al sacerdozio.
È prevista la modalità di partecipazione mista, presenziale e telematica (in streaming o in differita).

English Course "Lectures on Science and Theology", from February 16 to May 25, 2022, organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Religion and Science (disf.org - inters.org).
The course intends:
a) to examine those contemporary scientific results and perspectives that seem to challenge our religious and theological worldview
b) to show the significance of the discourse on God in scientific culture.
The faith in God the creator of heaven and earth and the Christian proclamation of the Incarnation of the Word are assessed against the background of our knowledge of the physical cosmos, and of the evolutionary history of life and