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Forthcoming Events

Our rector, Rev. Prof. Luis Navarro, has been elected President of CRUIPRO (Conference of Rectors of Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions) for a three-year term. He was elected by the other members of CRUIPRO at their meeting on Monday, June 28, 2021. He will take office on August 1, 2021, succeeding Rev. Prof. Mauro Mantovani, rector of the Salesian Pontifical University.
The new Issue (6.1, Spring 2021) of the Journal Church, Communication & Cultureof the School of Church Communications has been published online. The journal currently ranks 20th among open access Religious Journal Studies (and 122th out of 465 of overall ranked journals of that sector), according to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR).  New Issue
On the afternoons of 3 and 4 June 2021, in collaboration with the Pontifical Academia Theologica, the School of Theology promoted the International Conference Si comprehendis non est Deus on Negative Theology for the 21st century. The activity will be held in an integrated manner, in the Aula del Portillo and through the Zoom Platform. Program
On Thursday, May 20, 2021, the title of "Professor Emeritus" was conferred on Prof. Msgr. Joaquín Llobell of the School of Canon Law. More information
On the feast of Saint Catherine of Siena, on Thursday, April 29, 2021 the School of Church Communications celebrated its Patroness. For the occasion, the second of the six meetings of the "Inspiring Trust" webinar series was held in the Aula magna, scheduled for every Thursday afternoon until May 27th. Karen Sanders, St Mary's University (UK), Juan Manuel Mora, University of the Holy Cross, and Hugo Doyle, of Intesa San Paolo, spoke. At the end of the webinar, a Holy Mass was celebrated in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare. More information on Inspiring Trust
William of Ware Teaching Philosophy and Theology in the 13th Century between Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus is the title of the next Congress, promoted by the Faculties of Philosophy of the Holy Cross and Antonianum. Other information | free subscription
The 12th Professional Seminar for Church Communication Offices organized by the Pontifical University of Santa Croce (Rome) will consist of a webinar which will be held on April 22 and 29 and on May 6, 13, 20, and 27. The seminar, which is held every two years in Rome and brings together communication professionals from around the world, was initially postponed from April 2020 to April 2021. Now, the foreseeable evolution of the pandemic over the next few months suggests that we forgo the face-to-face meeting. The theme and most of the speakers remain. “Inspiring trust” is intended to be an opportunity for Church communicators to reflect on how to regain public trust, and what role communication plays in this process. On the Professional Seminar website you will find
On April 19-20, 2021, on the initiative of the Center for Juridical Studies on the Family (School of Canon Law), the Congress on I fondamenti relazionali del diritto di famiglia. Un approccio interdisciplinare will take place. More information
On Thursday, March 11, 2021, the Feast of the University took place in memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our first Grand Chancellor. The celebration began at 3pm in the main auditorium "Giovanni Paolo II". The journalist Valentina Alazraki, correspondent and vaticanist of Televisa (Mexico), spoke about her professional experience accompanying the latest pontificates, from St. John Paul II to Pope Francis. Flyer | 


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