On Friday November 23, 2018 a Workshop organized by Familyandmedia within the Elina Gianoli Gainza Chair of the School of Church Communications took place on the theme Educating young people about love and friendship through the classics.
International Survey on Audio-visual consumption and reading habits of young people
Report Audio-visual consumption and reading habits of young

From November, 15 to 17, 2018, on the initiative of the School of Philosophy, the 5th edition of the Refresher Course for professors of philosophy took place on the theme of Art and Beauty in Human Formation.
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Peace in Korea was the theme of a meeting promoted by the Institute of Peace-Sharing, of the Archdiocese of Seoul, in which there was a participation of several scholars of the Institute and professors of the University.
"The Korean peninsula suffered the pain of war and division", summed up the director of the Institute, Prof. Stephen Choi Jinwoo. "The clashes and conflicts continue today, and many suffer from open wounds. We dream of a reunified Korean peninsula for peace, reconciliation and healing".

The IV edition of the course Ars prædicandi, will take place from October 24 to December 12 2018, held by professors Sergio Tapia and Alberto Gil.
It is a seminar with a mainly practical orientation to help priests to discharge the three classical functions of the art of rhetoric: movere (convince), delectare (please) and docere (teach).
The goal is to reach the faithful in a more effective and attractive way in the different kinds of sacred oratory.
Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 3.30 pm to 5.15 pm.
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Different Latin American business schools have an appointment in Rome on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd October 2018 to reflect on Enterprise, Growth and Inclusion in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
The meeting is organized by the IPADE (Pan American University, Mexico) in collaboration with the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross - which hosts it - and is aimed at high-level entrepreneurs from the American continent. The aim – as explains the organizers - is to make sure that these professionals, once back in their countries "can transmit in the different areas of influence the knowledge learned during their stay in Rome, and thus manage their businesses better" in the light of the Catholic Social Doctrine.

On Monday, October 22, 2018, the CASE Group, active in the School of Canon Law, organized the 7th Day of Study on Canonical Patrimonial Law, dedicated this year to the theme Ethical Requirements in Church Property Management.

For the second year, the University adheres to the Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology, the initiative shared between the Universities and the Pontifical Athenaeums of Rome based on the message of the Encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato si'.
The Diploma will be developed in six modules, corresponding to the six chapters of the Encyclical, divided into two lessons of two hours each.
It will be offered to students of pontifical universities as well as members of religious orders, priests, catechists, and pastoral workers who have completed a Bachelor or a High School degree.
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In the twentieth anniversary of the Fides et Ratio of St. John Paul II, the School of Philosophy organized, on October 17, 2018, the round table Access to God today, to analyze the challenges and perspectives of the important papal document.
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Registrations are open at the course of formation "Program of Church Management", organized by the Markets, Culture & Ethics Research Center. The Course is for priests, lay persons and members of religious orders who work for the Church in economic and administrative capacities.
It's realized in partnership with: the LUISS Business School of Rome, the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, the Kellogg School of Management, the Center for Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas St. Paul-Minneapolis
Informations & Registration