From April 18 to 22, 2019, due to Easter festivities, the Palazzo of Apollinare and the Library will be closed to the public. Regular activity will re-begin Tuesday, April 23.
The academic community of Santa Croce extends to each warm greetings for a Holy Easter.

A group of University students, with the collaboration of the Alumni Association, is carrying out a volunteer activity in favor of the elderly, giving a few hours of their time to those who often find themselves in solitude.
The next appointment is for Saturday, June 8, 2019, at 10 am, at the Casa di Riposo Santa Francesca Romana in Rome (Vicolo di Santa Maria in Cappella).
Those interested in participating can send an email volontariato.santacroce [at] pusc.it (to this address).

On Thursday, April 11, 2019 (8.45 am, Classroom "Álvaro del Portillo"), on the initiative of the Poetics & Christianity Research Group, a Day of Study on "Rome and faith that helps us to be human. Chesterton's Christian humanism" took place.
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The XXIII Congress of the School of Canon Law entitled "The essence of Law. The proposals of Michel Villey, Sergio Cotta and Javier Hervada" took place on Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd April 2019.
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The XXIV International Congress "Human nature, soul and body. Perspective convergence", took place from March 18 to 19, is organized by the School of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) and by the Jacques Maritain Center of the University of Notre Dame (Indiana).
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On Thursday, March 14, 2019, on the initiative of the Center for Juridical Studies on the Family (CSGF), active in the School of Canon Law, was held the Day of Study on Parental authority, limit or children's rights?
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On Tuesday, March 12, 2019 took place a Workshop on Niccolò Cusano, promoted by the School of Philosophy, inspired by the new edition of the book Opere filosofiche, teologiche e matematiche (edited by Enrico Peroli, Bompiani).
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On Thursday, March 7, 2019 was held the Round Table The search for God between Religion, Philosophy and Revelation on the occasion of the publication of Religione e Rivelazione, by Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti, vol. 3 of Teologia Fondamentale in Contesto scientifico (Città Nuova, Roma 2015-2018).
Speakers: Mgr. Bruno Forte, Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto, and the professors Giuseppina De Simone and Pilar Río.