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Forthcoming Events

On Friday June 23, 2017, at the Lateran University, was held the Theological Session of the XIV International Symposium of University Teachers: Integral Human Development. Theology in dialogue with social sciences. The program included reports and interventions by teachers and researchers from the Research Center of MCE and our University. Program More information on Symposium
The second volume of Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica was published, the online publication promoted by the School of Philosophy. This is a peer-reviewed Periodic Review (ISSN 2498-9746), published in the form of an annual volume. Summary
On Wednesday, May 31, 2017 (5:30 pm, Aula Álvaro del Portillo), the University hosted the presentation of the book of Card. Gerhard Ludwig Müller Indagine sulla speranza. Dialogo con Carlos Granados (Survey on Hope. Dialogue with Carlos Granos), by Edizioni Cantagalli. In addition to the author, Bishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, intervened. Moderator: rev. prof. Luis Navarro, Rector of the University
Thursday, June 1, 2017 (10 am, Aula A101), in collaboration with the ISCOM Association, the University organized the Meeting "The Diplomacy of the Art", which would bring Zhu Jiancheng, General Secretary of the China Culture Industrial Investment Fund, and the chinese artist Zhang Yan. The China Culture Industrial Investment Fund, which is responsible for the promotion and dissemination of Chinese traditional culture, donated to Pope Francis, on behalf of the Chinese people
On Thursday, May 25, 2017, on the World Africa Day, the University hosted a meeting on Africa, migrants and media. The speakers were journalist Carlos Laorden, Planeta Future-El País, and Antoine Tiabondou, from the School of Church Communications, author of a study on the issue of migrants in the European media. The meeting was organized in collaboration with Harambee Africa International.
From May 22 to 26, 2017, a Seminar on Economics and Catholic Social Thought took place, on the iniciative of Markets, Culture & Ethics Research Center and in collaboration with the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture and the Catholic Research Economists Discussion Organization. Participants covered foundational principles in Catholic social thought starting with the human person, dignity, freedom, subsidiarity, solidarity, and the common good, and moving toward applications of these principles to conceptual
On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 (11:30 am, Aula Álvaro del Portillo), the University hosted the Meeting "Education and support to break free from pornography: the experience of Integrity Restored". Speakers: Peter C. Kleponis, Clinic Comprehensive Counseling Services (Pennsilvania, USA) and Sean KilCawley, Director of the Family Office of the Diocese of Lincoln (Nebraska, USA). Program
In recent weeks, the Department of Church History University has signed a bilateral agreement on scientific cooperation with the Institute of History of the University Los Andes in Santiago, Chile. The agreement will allow, among other races, an exchange of students for periods of study or research, exchange of professors for lectures and research periods, and the joint development of specialized diplomas on the History of Christianity.
On Monday, May 15th (3:30 pm, Basilica of Sant'Apollinare), the Apollinaris de Victoria Ensemble leaded a Musical Meditation for the Easter. Flyer


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