From October 2020 to May 2021, the Church History Department of the School of Theology activates the online Diploma in History of Christianity Beyond Europe, which will take place over two semesters.
It is open to those in possession of a Bachelor or a Degree in humanities; the deadline for registrations is September 28, 2020.
Information & Registration | Flyer

From October, 30 to November, 16, 2020 (Mon-Fri, 15:00-16: 40), on the initiative of the School of Theology, the Intensive Course in Spanish Teología Latino Americana will take place. It is also possible to follow the course online (at a cost of € 100 instead of € 195).
"The most original theological theses will be studied, the pastoral proposals of greater evangelizing impact, which have arisen in every era, will be illustrated, and news will be given of the four conciliar cycles of Latin America and of the theology of the General Conferences", write the organizers.
The lessons will be given by Prof. Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, from the University of Navarra, and by professors

On September 3, 2020, the Italian course for new entrants began. The activity is taking place in online mode.
These are three groups for a total of 71 students, divided by level of knowledge of the language (A1, A2, B1). They participate from South Asia, from various African countries, Latin America & Europe.
Two groups have lessons in the morning (Italian time) and a group of South Americans has lessons in the afternoon (Italian time), therefore in time slots adapted to their needs.

On October 5, 2020, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross will hopefully begin lessons for the new academic year in presential mode. This reopening will respect and follow the indications of the Health Authorities.
The level of normality will depend on the evolution of COVID 19 and - in an institution with a strong international presence - on the situation in the students' countries of origin.
At the moment, with the data currently available, the University is preparing some measures and investments to start the 2020/2021 courses without delays or uncertainties.
These measures include:
1. The maintenance of the entire academic courses and the general distribution of timetables;
2. The University will try to ensure that

The Academic Guide for the year 2020/2021 is available for consultation.
Academic Guide 2020/2021
Academic Calendar 2020/2021

It is already possible to apply for admission to the different study cycles of the Schools of Theology, Canon Law, Philosophy and Church Communications for the Academic Year 2020/21. The necessary form can be requested by writing to santacroce [at] pusc.it, which can be filled in and returned by email attaching the appropriate documents, as indicated on

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020, in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare, the rector of the University, rev. Luis Navarro, presided over a suffrage Mass for prof. Michelangelo Tábet, three months after death, and for all the relatives of the teachers, the technical-administrative staff and the students of the Holy Cross, who died in the last few months.

On Thursday, June 25, 2020, the Panel "New Trinitarian Ontologies" was streamed, as part of the EuARe2020 conference of the European Academy of Religion, organized by prof. Giulio Maspero, of the School of Theology.
John Milbank (University of Nottingham), Luigino Bruni (LUMSA) and Eduard Fielder (Masaryk University) also spoke, moderated by Ryan Haecker (University of Cambridge).
The streaming can be reviewed at this address.

A partire da lunedì 15 giugno 2020, i servizi della Biblioteca saranno disponibili per i professori con il ripristino degli orari completi, dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 8:30 alle 19 e il sabato dalle ore 8:30 alle 13.
Sarà inoltre consentito l’accesso - dietro prenotazione - agli studenti iscritti al Terzo ciclo (dottorato), secondo le indicazioni che verranno fornite in questa pagina, dove sono anche riportate le procedure per il servizio di “prestito libri” per tutti gli altri studenti della Santa Croce.