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Monday, March 26, 2018, on the initiative of the Group "Relational Ontology Research" (ROR), was held the Day of Study on "The charisms for the world, live fire in history". Speechs by prof. Luigino Bruni (Lumsa), prof. Salvatore Martinez (National President of the Renewal of the Spirit) and prof. Giulio Maspero (Santa Croce). Program
On Monday 12 and Tuesday 13, March 2018 took place the XXII Congress of the School of Canon Law, entitled  Il Diritto all'educazione e il diritto all'insegnamento. Program ı Depliant (pdf)
From March 12 to 15, 2018, Prof. Scott Hahn had an intensive course (in English) about the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. This course explores the OT-NT relationship by studying select biblical texts and theological themes (covenant-promise, grace-law, kingdom-church). We consider some influential interpretive approaches (promise-fulfillment, continuity-discontinuity, economy-typology), before examining key familial features of “covenant” (life, law, liturgy), the development of which we trace through the successive divine covenants in salvation history. Special attention is given to the liturgical aspects of these covenants (priesthood, sacrifice, temple), and how the original form of the “new testament” - as ratified by Christ (Lk 22; 1
57% of the university students completed the quality questionnaire (“Evaluation of Courses”) concerning the subjects of the first semester of the academic year 2017-18. In total, 165 courses were evaluated: 91 of Theology, 29 of Philosophy, 26 of Communication, 14 of Canon Law and 5 of the Department of Languages. Courses that did not reach a minimum percentage of responses were not taken into consideration. The number of the filled questionnaires reaches almost 2,400. In communicating the information, Prof. Rafael Martínez, Academic Vice-Rector, thanked the students for this concrete collaboration, which represent “an important help to contribute to the improvement our teaching activity”. The questionnaire which is compiled “online” in an
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 (8:45 am, Aula Alvaro del Portillo) took place the Day of Study organized by the Institute of Liturgy, entitled Rileggere Romano Guardini nel XXI secolo, on the occasion of the centenary of the publication of "Lo Spirito della Liturgia" (1918- 2018). Speakers include Dr. Albert Gerhards (Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universität Bonn), Randifer Boquiren (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross) and Silvano Zucal (University of Trento). Program
The School of Philosophy, under the patronage of the Italian Society for the Study of Medieval Thought, on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 (11:30 am, Aula Álvaro del Portillo), organized the Étienne Gilson Day Study on the topic Philosophy as a practice and as knowledge: medieval perspectives. Program
From February, 26 to 28, 2018, on the initiative of the Department of Church History of the School of Theology, was held the Intensive Course, in Spanish, La primera evangelización de América. Una introducción. The activity, held by prof. Luis Martínez Ferrer, was attended by several ambassadors from Latin America and students from other Roman universities, as well as those of the first and second cycles of Theology. During the activity was also screened the documentary by Luis Enrique Cam on the first saint of America, Santa Rosa di Lima, entitled "Una rosa para el mundo".
The third volume of Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica, the online magazine promoted by the School of Philosophy, has been published recently. In addition to the contributions of the panelists of the Study Conference "The metaphysical dimensions of nature", held in February 2017 in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame, twenty-five authors offer their studies on historical aspects of the understanding of nature, human action, the personal and ethical dimensions, and the relationships between nature
From February 13 to April 24,  2018, the Center for Priestly Formation organizes a course for those who have responsibilities in the spiritual direction of the Christian faithful, entitled Ars artium. Among the topics that will be explored, the theoretical and practical foundations of spiritual direction, with particular attention both to the director's own person and to the more concrete aspects of the exercise of this ecclesial service. Information & Registration    


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