Forthcoming Events

A new MOOC (free online course) offered by the School of Communication on Storytelling has been launched on the Discere platform. The course will be available until December 15, 2024. Led by Professor Juan Narbona, who teaches Value Storytelling at the same School of Communication, the course is accessible in Spanish, English, and Italian. Through 12 video lessons, each lasting 3-4 minutes, the importance and power of stories and how to use them in communication are explained. Concepts such as the power of stories, narrative structure, character creation, conflict, moral theme, and more are explored in depth. As
The web portal of the Interdisciplinary Documentation Center for Science and Faith ( celebrates its 25th anniversary. It was conceived, founded, and then directed by Prof. Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti, a professor of Fundamental Theology at Santa Croce. The domain registration took place on July 21, 1999, initiated by Dr. Michele Crudele, who is now the Advisor for IT Services and was formerly the Director of the ELIS Center in Rome. The acronym DISF, linked to the nascent Interdisciplinary Dictionary of Science and Faith, was registered. Crudele began designing it together with Alberto Strumia, a
From Monday, July 8th to Friday, July 26th, 2024, the Polis Institute of Jerusalem will organize intensive Language Courses in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew at our University, along with a 10-day Methodology Seminar for professors of classical languages who wish to learn teaching principles through the Polis method. The lessons are conducted directly in Latin, Greek, or Hebrew, making the studied language the sole means of communication within the classroom. For students of Santa Croce, the acquired credits can be recognized as credits towards their Licentiate degree upon request to their respective deans.
Thursday, June 27, 2024, the ninth episode of the first series of Imparare Roma, "The First Church in the World," was released. You can watch it here. To view the first series, go here. Meanwhile, the second season is already scheduled. From October 2024 to June 2025, a new episode of the second series will be published every third Thursday of the month on the university's YouTube channel. Themes
The academic community mourns the loss of Professor Robert Wielockx, our Theology professor from 1997 to 2018, who passed away on June 30, 2024, in Mol (Belgium), where he had moved in February 2022. Born in Balen (Belgium) on December 15, 1942, he taught medieval theology at the University of Leuven and was a member of the Albertus-Magnus Institute in Bonn. During his years in Rome, he was a part of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas and the Leonine Commission. Before his retirement from the University, Professor Wielockx donated several volumes of Theology to our Library. The funeral will be held on Friday, July 5, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Mol, followed by the burial at
On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, an institutional event was held in the Aula Magna on the occasion of the Emeritato of Prof. Luis Navarro, Professor of Personal Law in the School of Canon Law and current Rector Magnificus of our University. The academic community, representatives of ecclesial movements and new communities, colleagues, and friends who wished to share this significant moment with the outgoing Rector took part in the event. Invitation  
Friday, June 21, 2024 (11:00 AM, Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II"), the usual event "Welcome to... Alumni Santa Croce 2024" took place for those who have completed their studies at our University during this academic year. The meeting featured a guest speaker, one of our alumni from the School of Theology (PhD 2015), Father Alberto Giardina, currently the Director of the National Liturgical Office of the Italian Episcopal Conference. Following the meeting, a Holy Mass was celebrated in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare. The day concluded with a convivial gathering in the courtyard. The event was also available for streaming.
The concluding ceremonies for the respective School courses are taking place these days, with the awarding of certificates to students completing their study cycles. Awarding of Bachelor’s Degrees School of Theology, Monday, June 17, 11:00 AM in Aula Álvaro del Portillo School of Philosophy, Thursday, June 20, 11:30 AM in Aula Álvaro del Portillo Awarding of Licentiate Degrees School of Theology, Wednesday, June 19, 11:00 AM in Aula Magna Giovanni Paolo II School of Communication, Wednesday, June 19, 11:00 AM in Aula Benedetto XVI School of Canon Law, Thursday, June 20, 11:15 AM in Aula Benedetto XVI School of Philosophy, Thursday, June 20, 11:30 AM in Aula Álvaro del Portillo  
From June 17 to 21, 2024, the MCE (Markets, Culture & Ethics) Research Center will host the International Workshop Transparency and Accountability in the Catholic Church - A Practical Journey. This event is organized in collaboration with the John A. Ryan Institute of St. Thomas University, St. Mary's University in Twickenham, London, and the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. The goal of the workshop is to provide Catholic Church leaders with practical insights to implement transparency within their organizations or areas of influence. The main objectives include: Examining transparency from every angle Equipping leaders with the tools and strategies necessary


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