On Friday, January 12, 2018, the School of Theology celebrated the Academic feast of the Patron Saint Thomas Aquinas.
At 10.45 am, in the Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II", rev. prof. Antonio Aranda, from the University of Navarra, held the lesson Fifty years from "Passionately Loving the World", the homily that St. Josemaría Escrivá held in the campus of the same spanish university.

On Thursday, January 11, 2018, the School of Canon Law celebrated the Academic Fest of the Patron Saint Raymond of Penyafort.
At 11 am, in the Álvaro del Portillo Hall, prof. Javier Ferrer Ortiz, from the University of Zaragoza, held the lesson Civil efficacy of canonical marriage in a secularized society.

"God, who is in love with us, draws us to himself with his tenderness, by being born poor and frail in our midst, as one of us. He is born in Bethlehem, which means 'house of bread'. In this way, he seems to tell us that he is born as bread for us; he enters our life to give us his life; he comes into our world to give us his love.".
(Pope Francis, homily, Decembre, 24, 2016)
The Rector and the academic community of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross formulate wishes for a Holy Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018.

Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei and Grand Chancellor of the University, celebrated Mass on the first anniversary of the death of Msgr. Javier Echevarría, who was our Grand Chancellor from 1994 to 12 December 2016.
Text of the Homily of Msgr. Ocáriz

On Monday, December 4, 2017 (15h30, Álvaro del Portillo Hall) was held the presentation of the book Tercer Concilio Limense (1583-1591), the work of profs Luis Martínez Ferrer (curator) and José Luis Gutiérrez (translator).
The presentation, organized in collaboration with the embassy of Perù at the Holy See, was presided the Archbishop of Lima e Primate of Perù, Card. Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne.
The book is published by San Pablo Publishers, from the Faculty of Pontifical and Civil Theology of Lima and from our university.

The School of Philosophy has awarded the 2017 edition of the International Philosophy Award "Antonio Jannone" to prof. Alejandro Vigo of the Universidad de Navarra.
Known scholar of Aristotle's thought and author of numerous books and articles, prof. Vigo received the Prize on 27 November 2017, as part of the academic celebration of the feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria, patron of the school.
For the occasion he gave a lecture on Physics in Aristotelian thought.

On Tuesday 21st November (16h00, Álvaro del Portillo Hall), a celebratory act of the 25th anniversary of the journal of the School of Philosophy Acta Philosophica took place. At the round table Human, Trans-human, Post-human the following took part: Luca La Mesa (SingularityU Rome Ambassador), Mauro Magatti (Università Cattolica di Milano) and Francesco Russo (Università della Santa Croce), moderated by Andrea Lavazza (Centro Universitario Internazionale, Arezzo).

On Monday, November 13, 2017 (9.15 pm, Aula Benedict XVI) a Day of Study on Canonical Patrimonial Law was held, promoted by the CASE Research Group (Corporate Responsibility and Economic Support to the Church), dedicated to the theme Ethical Requirements in Church Property Management.

At the initiative of the School of Church Communications, and in collaboration with the ISCOM Association, from November 2nd to November 4th, 2017, the III Religious Information Seminar was held for Spanish-speaking journalists, on the topic Informar sobre la Iglesia en el pontificado de Papa Francisco.
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