School of Theology


In the context of the pluralism of modern cultures, the School of Theology offers a program of formation marked by a strong Christocentrism, an orientation based on the conviction that a deep knowledge of the mystery of Christ is the perennial foundation for the transformation of human beings and the world.

The School’s formative agenda in both the educational and research levels is translated into the following choices of method and content:

  • A presentation of the intrinsic connection between the revealed truths as expression of the mystery of the Trinity and of its communication of love in Christ;
  • The mystery of the whole Christ, Head and Body, as the deep foundation of the essentially ecclesial character of any theological reflection–communion with the Church, with her doctrine, tradition, liturgy etc., is a necessary premise to any pursuit of theological knowledge of Revelation;
  • The intimate connection between the divinity and humanity of Christ as the light by which one understands the relation between faith and reason, both in theology and in one’s worldview, consequently deepening the meaning of created realities and their autonomy, and giving rise to a spirit of openness to a peaceful encounter with the natural, historical and social sciences;
  • The call to holiness, rooted in Baptism, and further diversified according to the various charisms and vocations in the Church, as a background to a more coherent vision of the theological and ethical dimensions of Christian existence.
  • Il lavoro della Facoltà si struttura in base ad un Istituto di Liturgia e a cinque Specializzazioni:  Teologia dogmatica, Teologia morale, Teologia spirituale, Teologia biblica e Storia della Chiesa.


In evidenza

From March 10th to 13th, 2025 (from 3 PM to 5:30 PM in Room A301), as part of the Licentiate in Biblical Theology, the course Holiness in Scripture will be held in English by Prof. Scott Hahn, Professor of Biblical Theology and New Evangelization at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio (USA). An apologist of international renown, Hahn is also the author of numerous bestsellers.

It is possible to register until February 7th. Students from institutions participating in the Cruipro Agreement will be able to access the course for free.

For more information, please write to teologia [at]

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 (9:00 AM, Álvaro del Portillo Hall), the Institute of Liturgy organized a study day titled Liturgy and Work.

Three presentations were scheduled:

  • Work as a Form of Liturgical Life was presented by Prof. Stefan Geiger, OSB, from the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Sant’Anselmo.
  • Prof. Randifer Boquiren from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross discussed The Eucharistic Dynamism of Sanctification.
  • Prof. Pietro Angelo Muroni, from the Pontifical Urban University, addressed the topic Opus Hominis in the Opus Dei.

Further Information and Registration


The Christianity and Society Center, integrated in the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) and the Confederation of Businessmen Coparmex (Mexico), are proposing a congress entitled “Common Memory and Collective Forgiveness”. The activity is sponsored by the Dicastery for Evangelization (Holy See) and will take place within the framework of the Jubilee activities for entrepreneurs in Rome, on May 6 and 7, 2025.

Instructions for presentation of papers

Link to the Conference Page

Starting from February 26, 2025, and throughout the semester (every Wednesday from 10:50 AM to 12:30 PM in room A305), the School of Theology offers the Licentiate Course "Homiletic Text Reading Workshop," taught by Rev. Prof. Fabio Rosini.

The course aims to provide a form of apprenticeship in the art of reading the texts of Sunday liturgies, training participants for a more effective homiletics.

Registration is open until February 14. Students from institutions participating in the Cruipro Agreement can access the course free of charge.

For more information, please contact teologia [at]

The course is worth 3 ECTS.


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