Diritto Canonico


The second cycle is a three year program. Upon satisfactory completion of the course the School awards the student with a Licentiate in Canon Law. All the required courses are offered each year so that a student may begin this cycle studying the core subjects of the curriculum in Canon Law, thus allowing a successive deeper study of the various branches of canonical knowledge.

La Facultad de Derecho Canónico

El primer ciclo, cuyo superación da derecho a acceder al curso de Licenciatura, tiene una duración mínima de dos años académicos y requiere la asistencia a los cursos institucionales de Filosofía y Teología en las facultades homónimas o en el Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas en el Apollinare.

School of Canon Law

The first cycle is required background in order to enter the Licentiate program. It entails at least two academic years of courses in the Schools of Philosophy and Theology, or at the Higher Institute of Religious Studies “all’Apollinare” (ISSRA).


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