International Congress Lumen Gentium - November 19-20, 2024

Church as Mystery,
Communion and Mission.
Lumen gentium 60 years after

november 19-20, 2024

Rome, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II"

Image: Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil



Tuesday, November 19th, 2024

09.00     Welcome & Introduction to the Congress

09.15     Pre-conciliar period: C. Pioppi (Pont. Univ. della Santa Croce)

09.45     Counter-relation: Alexandra von Teuffenbach (National Institute for Japanese Literature)

10.15     Brief Questions

10.30     Lumen Gentium during the Council: P. Benitez (Universidad de Navarra)

11.00     Counter-relation: P. De Mey (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

11.30     Brief Questions

11.45     Coffee Break

12.15     Reception of Lumen Gentium after Vatican II: H. C. Schmidbaur (Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano)

12.45     Counter-relation: A. Nadbrzezny (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II)

13.15     Brief questions

13.30     Lunch Break

Round Table with the six speakers in dialogue with participants
Thematic and linguistic Seminars


Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

09.15   Ecclesiology of the People of God: C. Schaller (Institut Papst Benedikt, Regensburg)

09.45   Counter-relation: S. Mazzolini (Pont. Università Urbaniana)

10.15   Brief Questions

10.30   Ecclesiology of communion: Ph. Goyret (Pont. Univ. della Santa Croce)

11.00   Counter-relation: E. Bueno de la Fuente (Facultad de Teología del Norte de España, Burgos)

11.30   Brief Questions

11.45   Coffee Break

12.15   Synodal ecclesiology: M. de Salis (Pont. Univ. della Santa Croce)

12.45   Counter-relation: V. Mignozzi (Facoltà Teologica Pugliese)

13.15   Brief Questions

13.30   Lunch Break

Round Table with the six speakers in dialogue with participants
Thematic and linguistic Seminars

The Congress will be held in English and Italian.
Simultaneous translation is provided in English and Italian.


 Poster download


For Licentiate and Doctorate students in Theology
at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
the Congress will count for 2 ECTS.

FEE: € 90
Special fee for Alumni Santa Croce and
students from other Universities: € 60.
Free admission for Santa Croce students.




Organizing Committee
Philip Goyret
Antoni Nadbrzezny
Christian Schmidbaur
Pablo Blanco

Organizational secretariat
Domenico Sorgini
LG2024 [at] (Send e-mail)
Phone +39 06.68164.462


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