Faculty of Theology of the Holy Cross and the Universidad de Navarra
The resurrection of Christ
and the final resurrection
Rome, September 19-21, 2023
The announcement of Jesus’ resurrection gave rise to Christian faith in the resurrection of the dead and the hope of a future of reconciliation and peace for humanity. Today, this message is part of a world characterised by complexity and plurality of experiences. On the one hand, the scientific mentality, now an intrinsic component of our culture, leads us to privilege the empirical and reject any supernatural element, considered as an unjustified intrusion into reality. On the other hand, however, a deeper and more interconnected view of the material world, made possible by science itself, offers new possibilities for understanding the nature of matter and its ultimate transformation by God.
From a more existential perspective, some, convinced of the 'finiteness' of the human being, believe that death represents the final conclusion of human life and consider the idea of resurrection an illusion, a way of escaping reality. Others, on the other hand, cherish the hope of deliverance from the evil that threatens our history and believe that the love they have expressed and encountered in life will not vanish forever. They are those who confidently await the event of the final resurrection.
The course, designed primarily to offer ex-students and theology teachers tools and topics to deepen Christian faith in the resurrection, fits within these perspectives. The sessions, led by experienced theologians, will be accompanied by interdisciplinary presentations that aim to expand on the topics covered in the sessions.
Main objectives:
- Biblical-theological updating
- Reflection on programmes, bibliography and methodology for teaching biblical subjects
- Comparison and exchange of pedagogical and pastoral experiences