Correspondence between Italian academic titles and those of the Holy See: Decree published

On the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic dated March 25, 2024, the Decree with the Table of correspondence between Italian academic titles and those of the Holy See for the purpose of recognizing university-level study cycles and periods in the European region, as provided for by the previous Agreement between Italy and the Holy See of February 13, 2019, was published.
Regarding the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy issued by the School of the same name will correspond to the Degree Class L-05, Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, while the License in Philosophy will correspond to the Master's Degree in Philosophical Sciences (LM-78).
Similarly, the License in Institutional Social Communication issued by the respective School will correspond to the Master's Degree in Public Communication, Corporate Communication, and Advertising (LM-59).
It is specified in the Decree that the table serves a purely comparative purpose and does not determine any formal recognition, which will follow specific procedures already provided for by law.