Preparatory Meeting for the 2024 "Women in the Church" Conference with Some Ambassadors

On Monday, April 3, 2023, in light of the upcoming conference "Women in the Church: Makers of the Mankind" that our university will host March 7-8, 2024, a group of ambassadors and representatives of the Diplomatic Corps to the Holy See participated in a preparatory meeting.
After greetings from Rector Luis Navarro, Academic Vice-Rector Cristina Reyes and Prof. Álvarez, who are part of the conference’s scientific committee, reviewed some of the topics that will be addressed at next year’s conference and presented the names of the women who will be discussed: from Josephine Bakhita to Mother Teresa of Calcutta, from Maria Mackillop to Daphrose Mukansanga.
The conference, held in collaboration with other ecclesiastical universities (Urbaniana, Teresianum, Ateneo Regina Apostolorum, and Catholic University of Ávila), will include not only European faculty members but also the professors from the United States and Australia. The intent is to try to convey these women’s messages and legacies.
The optional donations that will be collected upon registration will go toward aiding the children and families affected by the earthquake in Syria through the Pro Terra Sancta Association.