2022 Report on Pontifical Universities and Institutions in Rome

On Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023, at 11 a.m. in the Sala Marconi (Palazzo Pio – Piazza Pia, 3, Rome), the press conference on the 2022 Report of the Pontifical Universities and Institutions of Rome was held.
The Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions—whose rectors are part of the CRUIPRO Conference (www.cruipro.net)—represent a pool of nearly 16,000 students from more than 120 countries, who attend the 22 universities located in various neighborhoods around Italy’s capital.
The report was based on the contributions of communications contacts within these universities and institutions and provides key data about the pontifical universities—from their missions to serve the universal church to the number of students formed in their classrooms each year, as well as comparisons with the civil universities in Rome. This report also serves to enhance the potential of the network of the various academic communities to evangelize.