Research of the University, projects of the second Call for Projects approved

Following the second Call for Projects launched in September 2023 and concluded on January 31, 2024, to gather research proposals related to the academic development of the University, 4 new projects have been selected.
A total of 14 proposals were submitted, involving 53 professors from Santa Croce and a significant number of researchers from other universities. The proposals were evaluated by a scientific committee. The 10 projects that were not selected can be developed within the research framework of their respective faculties or within already active Research Centers.
The 4 selected projects will receive funding to cover administrative and communication expenses, as well as those related to publications, congresses, expert meetings, conference participation, and travel abroad.
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A cross-disciplinary inquiry into human creativity
The general objective of this project is to develop interdisciplinary research on creativity that integrates contributions from the most relevant natural, human, philosophical, and theological sciences. The specificity lies in investigating creativity as a central characteristic of the "human way of being in the world."
The main researchers for the project are Ivan Colagè (Santa Croce) and Stefano Oliva (Università Niccolò Cusano).
The research team consists of scholars from the Pontifical University of Santa Croce and other international academic institutions, including the University and CNRS of Bordeaux (France), the National Research Council (Italy), the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), the London School of Economics (UK), the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy), and the Catholic University of America in Washington (USA).
For a Culture of Care: A Response to the Anthropological Crisis
This project aims to establish an anthropologically sound foundation for the culture of care, which is the profound vocation of the human person: the care of human beings and their flourishing in various dimensions of existence (e.g., towards the common good, the environment, artistic and cultural heritage, the sacred). Some specific objectives include: a historical-critical analysis of recently theorized care paradigms in relation to the notion of vulnerability and fragility; redefining the concept of care based on three aspects that challenge the traditional notion: the pervasiveness of technology; the commercialization of care (the "service society"); the crisis in care professions.
The researchers promoting this project are Francesco Russo (Santa Croce) and Luca Valera (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile).
The Academic Board is composed of professors from the Pontifical University of Santa Croce along with researchers from the Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, National Research Council (Italy), University of L'Aquila (Italy), Universidad del Istmo (Guatemala), University of Messina (Italy), and Roma Tre University (Italy).
Purposes and Models of Governance in the Church
The research project topics concern the purpose, exercise, and control of governance in the Church and develop around issues related to all areas where such power is exercised (munus docendi, munus sanctificandi, munus regendi). In addition to these three areas, the project aims to reflect on the foundations of authority in the Church, its theological roots, the different forms of authority, the proposals of Vatican Councils I and II, the dichotomy between the power of order and the power of jurisdiction, the rights of the faithful regarding good governance in the Church, the collaboration of lay faithful, and their capacity to formally participate in governance within the Church.
The permanent staff consists of Fernando Puig (Santa Croce) and Joaquin Sedano (Universidad de Navarra).
The Academic Board includes researchers from the Pontifical University of Santa Croce, together with scholars from the Universidad de Navarra (Spain) and Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid (Spain).
Rediscovering the individual: misadventures, drifts and returns of a fundamental notion
The project will address the notion of the individual and the different statuses (metaphysical, theological, empirical, psychological, transcendental, juridical-political, and digital) attributed to it. The project aims to renew reflection on the individual, making it an indispensable cornerstone of contemporary philosophical and cultural debate.
The research activities are coordinated by Gennaro Luise (Santa Croce) Antonio Petagine (Roma Tre) and Michele Alessandrelli (CNR).
The Academic Board consists of researchers from the Pontifical University of Santa Croce along with scholars from Roma Tre University (Italy), National Research Council (Italy), International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste (Italy), Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa (Italy), Vanderbilt University in Nashville (USA), and the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).
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In the first Call for Projects, launched in the 2023/2024 academic year, 3 research projects were selected from 13 proposals: Toward a Theology of Evangelization, Footprints. Young People: Expectations, Ideals, Beliefs, and University and Catholic Identity. These groups have already carried out activities in recent months according to their own schedules.