Holy Easter 2023 - The Rector Wishes the Entire Academic Community a Happy Easter

Dear professors, students, administrative and technical staff, and all members of the academic community, I want to wish you a very happy, holy Easter, filled with peace.
Jesus is risen and this must bring us peace. Jesus conquered death, and we would be of help and comfort to the Lord if we would take the lives of others to heart. This is my wish for all of you and your families.
"Easter is (...) the true feast of God and humanity, because the peace that Christ gained on the cross in giving himself is distributed to us. Therefore, the Risen Christ, on Easter Day, appears to the disciples, and how does he greet them be with you; how does he greet them? «Peace be with you!» (John 20:19 - 21). This is the greeting of Christ victorious, of the Risen Christ". With these words of Pope Francis, spoken last year at Easter, I extend my affectionate, renewed wishes of seeing you again, following the Easter break.
Rev. Prof. Luis Navarro
On the occasion of the Easter Holiday, the Palazzo Apollinare and the library will be closed from April 6-10.
From April 11-16, ISSR exams and classes will be held in the Palazzo Apollinare.
Other schools with resume their classes on Monday, April 17.