Seminars and Expert Meetings on the Relevance of Gaudium et Spes in Preparation for the Centenary of Opus Dei

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes (1965) and as a path of reflection towards the centenary of the founding of Opus Dei (1928-2028), the University is organizing a three-year program of in-depth study, which includes two seminars and an expert meeting each year.
The scheduled events for this academic year, which will focus on The Meaning of Work and Human Activity in the Universe, are as follows:
- Monday, October 14, 2024 (3:00 PM - Álvaro del Portillo Hall)
Theology of Earthly Realities and Gaudium et Spes
Claudio Tagliapietra - discussant Pilar Río
- Monday, January 13, 2025 (3:00 PM - Álvaro del Portillo Hall)
The Identity and Telos of Secular Realities in the Light of the Thought of Saint Josemaría
Luis Romera - discussant Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti
- 29-30 maggio 2025 - Expert Meeting - Aula Benedetto XVI May 29-30, 2025 - Expert Meeting (Benedict XVI Hall)
Images of Human Work in Contemporary Thought
During the 2025/26 academic year, the focus will be on The Promotion of Human Culture and the Relationship between the Gospel and Culture (Part II, Chapter II, nos. 53-62 of Gaudium et Spes), and in the following year, 2026/27, attention will be given to The Responsibility of Christians in the Promotion of the Social Community (Part II, Chapter V and Conclusions nos. 88, 91-93).