
Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

From February 18 to April 8, 2025, the first edition of the Course on the Pastoral Care of Forgiveness will be held, aimed at offering practical support to strengthen the ongoing formation of priests as ministers of mercy.

The course will take place on Tuesday afternoons, from 3:00 PM to 4:40 PM, and the methodology will be predominantly practical, following the case-study approach. Professors will send two cases prior to each session so that participants can read them in advance and actively engage in the discussion and resolution process.


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Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

Starting on February 20, 2025, every Thursday from 3:30 PM to 5:15 PM, the XII edition of the Course for Seminary Trainers will commence. It is aimed at priest-students in Rome who will, in the future, serve in the formation and guidance of candidates for the priesthood.

The Course aims to contribute to the preparation of trainers for diocesan seminaries, to train for the ministry of spiritual accompaniment and discernment, to learn how to provide formation for freedom, to understand the processes of seminarians’ maturation, and to develop attentiveness to the seminary environment.

The course will be held exclusively in person, will last for two academic semesters, and will conclude in January 2026.

Program - Registrations and Secretariat


Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

From October 15 to December 10, 2024, the Center for Priestly Formation is organizing the 3rd edition of the Course on the Formation of Affection in Priests, led by Rev. Francisco Insa, professor of Spiritual Theology and psychiatrist.

Balanced affection can be defined as the harmonious relationship between reason and the heart (will, passions, emotions, and feelings). But how can it be properly developed? Is it possible to help others grow, even humanly, through pastoral work? How can one gauge a person's maturity? These questions will be addressed during the course sessions.

The course offers both in-person and online participation options (live streaming or recorded).

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Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

On Thursdays February 22nd and 29th, and March 7th, 2024, (at 3:00 PM, The Great Hall of Pope John Paul II) the Center for Priestly Formation, in collaboration with the Relational Ontology Research Group (ROR), offers a short Course entitled Prevention of Abuses in the Church. Accompanying, Healing, Managing to priests, religious, seminarians, laypeople, and University students.

The lessons are held by professors Ilaria Vigorelli and Francisco Insa, from the School of Theology, Jordi Pujol from the School of Communication, and Davide Cito from the School of Canon Law.

These meetings stem from our University's desire to respond to the Pope's call to engage in the protection of minors and vulnerable individuals by offering adequate training tailored for priests, seminarians, and pastoral workers.

Registrations can be made on the activity's webpage:, and a reduced fee of €10 is available for University students and alumni.

Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

Starting from February 15, 2024, begins the 11th edition of the Seminar Trainers Course  on Thursdays from 3:30 PM to 5:15 PM. The course is designed for priest students in Rome who will be providing future service in the training and guidance of candidates for priesthood.

The course aims to contribute to the preparation of trainers for diocesan seminaries, prepare for the ministry of spiritual accompaniment and discernment, teach how to provide training for freedom, understand the maturation processes of seminarians, and develop awareness of the seminary environment.

The course is conducted exclusively in face-to-face format, lasting for two academic semesters, and will conclude in January 2025.

Program - Registration and Secretariat

Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

From January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, the VIII Seminar Week for Trainers took place titled "Pastori secondo il Cuore di Cristo. La dimensione pastorale della formazione sacerdotale".

The activity was aimed at priests holding positions in seminaries and sought to initiate a shared reflection and fruitful discussion among the various stakeholders involved in the formation of candidates for the priesthood.

The meetings included not only presentations by speakers but also active participation from all attendees through workshops. These workshops provided an opportunity for the exchange of experiences and were organized in small linguistic groups.

The experiences shared by participants, who came from diverse cultural and ecclesiastical backgrounds, served as a means of mutual enrichment through sharing and dialogue. Common activities were conducted in the Italian language.

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Teologia bacheca, esterno, Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno

November 13, 2023 (at 3:30 PM, Aula Benedict XVI), on the occasion of the publication of the seventh volume of the ROR Studies Series, titled "Authority and Mediation. Asymmetric Relationships in the Church" (edited by I. Vigorelli, J. Pujol, and F. Insa), the workshop on the theme "Authority in the Church: Service and Abuses" took place.

The event was organized not only by the ROR Group but also by the Center for Priestly Formation and the School of Church Communication.

Speakers included Monsignor Andrea Ripa from the Apostolic Signatura Tribunal, sociologist Cecilia Costa, theologian Gill Goulding, and Jordi Pujol, professor of Ethics and Law of Communication.


Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

During the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, the fourth edition of the course on Priestly Accompaniment in the Marriage Journey will be offered.

There will be nine class sessions, from Oct. 17 to Dec. 12, 2023, and it will be taught by professors from the university and other experts in family guidance.

The course is designed for priests and other agents of marriage ministry and will cover topics like pastoral accompaniment of spouses, premarital courses, weddings, helping couples in crisis, discernment of possible nullity cases, and the pastoral challenges of accompanying remarried divorcees.
Classes will be held on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

February 16, 2023 has kicked off the 10th edition of the Course for Seminary Trainers, aimed at student priests in Rome who are to serve in the future in the formation and accompaniment of candidates for the priesthood.

Program - Registration

Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

The 5th edition of the Ars Celebrandi course will begin on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, aimed at facilitating a more fruitful participation in the Eucharistic celebration by both the priest and the faithful.

Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

The Ars Celebrandi course began on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. The initiative aims to facilitate a more fruitful participation in the Eucharistic celebration by both the priest and the faithful.

The lessons will be held by several experts, including S.Em.Rev. Card. Robert Sarah (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments), H.E.R. Msgr. Piero Marini (President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses) and Msgr. Guido Marini (Master of the pontifical liturgical celebrations).

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Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

From October 22 to December 10, 2019, the Center for Priestly Formation organizes a series of training meetings concerning the theme of affectivity for the priest.


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Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

Registrations are open for the VI Course for Seminars Trainers, which will take place from February 2019 to January 2020 on the initiative of the Center for Priestly Formation.

The course takes place in two semesters, with two-hour weekly lessons for a total of 50 teaching hours; it has full compatibility with the Licentiate and Doctoral studies in the various roman universities.

Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

In the second semester of the year 2018/19 the 2nd edition of the Corso sull’accompagnamento sacerdotale nel cammino matrimoniale is scheduled.

It will be divided into eight sessions, from February 20 to April 10, 2019, and will be given by university professors and other experts in family orientation.

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Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno

The IV edition of the course Ars prædicandi, will take place from October 24 to December 12 2018, held by professors Sergio Tapia and Alberto Gil.

It is a seminar with a mainly practical orientation to help priests to discharge the three classical functions of the art of rhetoric: movere (convince), delectare (please) and docere (teach).

The goal is to reach the faithful in a more effective and attractive way in the different kinds of sacred oratory.

Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 3.30 pm to 5.15 pm.

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Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale esterno

Corso rivolto a sacerdoti studenti a Roma che dovranno in futuro svolgere un servizio nella formazione ed accompagnamento dei candidati al sacerdozio.

Il corso avrà una durata di due semestri accademici: comincia  febbraio 2018 e si concluderà nel mese di gennaio 2019.

Orario delle lezioni: il giovedì dalle ore 15.30 alle 17.15.

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