Center for Priestly Formation

The University of the Holy Cross erected the Center for Priestly Formation in response to the request for strong initiatives that offer prieslty formation at various levels.

Designed for priests, deacons, and candidates to Holy Orders who are interested in entering more deeply into the meaning of the priesthood, the CFS seeks to offer formative support that is capable of confronting the challenges and demands of contemporary society.


The Center for Priestly Formation is characterized by multicultural openness, an interdisciplinary approach, and particular attention to the problems of contemporary society.

The formation also has a practical orientation to accompany the scientific method typical of university studies.

In evidenza

Dal 31 gennaio al 4 febbraio 2022 si è svolta la VII Settimana di Studio per Formatori di Seminari, con il titolo «Se il Figlio vi farà liberi, sarete liberi davvero». La formazione nella e per la libertà nel cammino sacerdotale.

L'attività è indirizzata a sacerdoti con incarichi nei seminari, e tenterà di avviare una riflessione comune e un proficuo confronto fra i diversi protagonisti nella formazione dei candidati al sacerdozio.

È prevista la modalità di partecipazione mista, presenziale e telematica (in streaming o in differita).

The 5th edition of the Ars Celebrandi course will begin on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, aimed at facilitating a more fruitful participation in the Eucharistic celebration by both the priest and the faithful.

The Ars Celebrandi course began on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. The initiative aims to facilitate a more fruitful participation in the Eucharistic celebration by both the priest and the faithful.

The lessons will be held by several experts, including S.Em.Rev. Card. Robert Sarah (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments), H.E.R. Msgr. Piero Marini (President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses) and Msgr. Guido Marini (Master of the pontifical liturgical celebrations).

From 3 to 7 February 2020, the VI Study Week for Seminar Trainers took place, promoted by the Center for Priestly Formation on the theme The intellectual dimension of the formation of candidates for the priesthood.

The activity was aimed at priests with assignments in seminaries, and attempted to start a common reflection and a fruitful comparison between the different protagonists in the formation of candidates for the priesthood.

VI Settimana di Studio per Formatori di Seminari

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