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Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, ISSRA bacheca, Press Office bacheca
Monday, October 8, 2018, the Inauguration Ceremony opening the 2018/2019 Academic Year took place. The traditional votive Mass of the Holy Spirit was...
Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, Press Office bacheca
The new issue of Notizie dalla Santa Croce, the free internal bulletin published by the University Communication Office, is being distributed these days. Click here to Download  
Teologia bacheca, Istituto di Liturgia bacheca, Sacra Scrittura bacheca, Storia della Chiesa bacheca, Teologia Dogmatica bacheca, Teologia Morale bacheca, Teologia Spirituale bacheca
Professors of the "Annales Theologici", journal of the School of Theology, who are preparing their contribution for the 2nd issue of 2019, discuss their study on "The common priesthood of the faithful" with other professors. The day of study took place on Thursday, September 27, 2018....
Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca
Academic Guide, Year 2018-19, is available online. General Norms & Academic Fees (it) Academic Calendar...
Diritto Canonico bacheca, esterno
Starting from the Academic Year 2018-19, the School of Canon Law will issue the Diploma in  and the Diploma in Matrimonial & Procedural Law and the Diploma in Matrimonial & Familiar Consulting. The new studies are offered in the perspective of the reform of the processes carried out by the motu proprio Mitis...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, Press Office bacheca
From September, 10 to 16, 2018, on the initiative of the School of Church Communications, the sixth edition of The Church Up Close: Covering Catholicism in the Age of Francis took place. It's a seminar designed for foreign journalists who cover the Roman Catholic Church....
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca
Una trentina di direttori e responsabili della comunicazione d’istituzioni ecclesiastiche con sede a Roma si sono dati appuntamento all’Università per un primo incontro di lavoro. L’idea è nata dalla collaborazione tra la Facoltà di Comunicazione e l’Ufficio di comunicazione sociale dei salesiani con lo scopo di trovare occasioni di reciproca conoscenza e collaborazione....
Press Office bacheca
On Monday, June 25, 2018, the University hosted the meeting Defending International Religious Freedom: Partnership and Action, promoted by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See in collaboration with Aid to the Church in Need and the Community of Sant'Egidio. Among others, partecipated the Ambassador Callista L. Gingrich, the...
Press Office bacheca
On Saturday 9 June 2018, on the initiative of the Amici di Saxum Italia Association, the University hosted an afternoon of reflection on the difficult situation in the Middle East on the theme "Living the Holy Land". Speakers included the Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Bishop ...
In June, the University welcomes a group of American seminarians for the roman coursework of The Rome Experience, an educational itinerary that has been held since 2009. The initiative includes courses in Theology,...
Week-long sessions designed for those who are working for ecclesiastical organizations all over the world and can only attend classes for short periods. Candidates may apply to attend one single Intensive Week (40 classroom hours), or any combination of the scheduled weeks.  Applications are now open for both the First Cohort and the Second...
On Thursday, May 24, 2018, on the World Africa Day, the University hosted a meeting on Challenges of Africa in 2018, from a social, political and cultural point of view. The speakers were journalists Stephen Ogongo (Stranieri in Italia), Filomeno Lopes (Radio Vaticana) e Fortuna Mambulu Ekutsi (...
On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, on the initiative of the School of Church Communications, the University hosted a meeting with Daniel C. Mattson, author of the book "Why I Don't Call Myself Gay", as part of a session on "Accompaniment experiences of people with attraction for the same sex "....
Dipartimento di Lingue
In collaboration with the Polis Institute of Jerusalem, the University holds intensive courses of LatinGreek and ...
Press Office bacheca
On Saturday, May 19, 2018, at the Centro Congressi Bonus Pastor (6 pm, Via Aurelia 208), prof. Franco Garelli, sociologist of the University of Turin, held the conference Major changes in contemporary society 50 years since 1968. Moderated prof. Leonardo Allodi, of the University of Bologna....
Diritto Canonico bacheca
On Monday, May 14, 2018, on the initiative of the School of Canon Law, took place the round table for the presentation of the Corso Fondamentale sul Diritto nella Chiesa (Volumes I and II) of prof. Carlos José Errázuriz, published by Giuffre....
Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, ISSRA bacheca
On Thursday, May 10, 2018, starting at 4 pm in the Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II", was held the third edition of the Feast of the University, in the memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our first Grand Chancellor....
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca
On the initiative of the School of Church Communications, Wednesday 9 May 2018 a meeting took place with James Nachtwey, a war photographer, on the theme "A testimony of human suffering". Two times winner of the World Press Photo, on his personal website he welcomes visitors with this phrase: "I have been a witness, and these pictures are my...
Teologia bacheca
The ROR Group (Ricerche di Ontologia Relazionale) organized, on Thursday, May 3 and Friday, May 4, 2018, the seminar Re-thinking Ontology with Luther, in collaboration with the Ecumenical Office of the Finnish Lutheran Church. Program...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca
On Friday, April 27, 2018, the School of Church Communications celebrated the Academic feast of the Patron Saint Catherine of Siena. The program included the Prayer of the Middle Hour and a floral tribute in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, the guided tour of the Chapel of the Transitus of Santa Caterina, and a conference (at 10:...


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