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Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca
On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 (11:30 am, Aula Álvaro del Portillo), the University hosted the Meeting "Education and support to break free from pornography: the experience of Integrity Restored". Speakers: Peter C. Kleponis, Clinic Comprehensive Counseling Services (Pennsilvania, USA) and Sean KilCawley, Director of...
In recent weeks, the Department of Church History University has signed a bilateral agreement on scientific cooperation with the Institute of History of the University Los Andes in Santiago, Chile. The agreement will allow, among other races, an exchange of students for periods of study or research, exchange of professors for lectures and research periods,...
On Monday, May 15th (3:30 pm, Basilica of Sant'Apollinare), the Apollinaris de Victoria Ensemble leaded a Musical Meditation for the Easter. ...
Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, ISSRA bacheca
On Thursday, May 11, 2017, starting at 4 pm in the Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II", was held the second edition of the Feast of the University, in the memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our first Grand Chancellor....
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca
"The Encyclical Laudato Si' and the Ecological Conversion. Human being as Subject and Object of Progress" is the title of the Round Table that the University hosted on Friday, May 12, 2017 (8:45 am, Aula A101). Interventions: Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences; the rev. Arturo...
Diritto Canonico bacheca
Giovedì 11 maggio 2017 il Prof. Miguel A. Ortiz ha tenuto una relazione intitolata Le dichiarazioni delle parti e le prove testimoniali nella Giornata di studio per gli operatori dei Tribunali ecclesiastici, promossa dai Consigli direttivi dell’Arcisodalizio della Curia romana e dell’...
Diritto Canonico bacheca
Giovedì 11 maggio 2017 il Prof. Miguel A. Ortiz ha tenuto una relazione intitolata Le dichiarazioni delle parti e le prove testimoniali nella Giornata di studio per gli operatori dei Tribunali ecclesiastici, promossa dai Consigli direttivi dell’Arcisodalizio della Curia romana e dell’Associazione canonistica...
Comunicazione Istituzionale
Dostoevsky: Live the Mystery was the theme of the Seventh International Conference of "Poetics and Christianity," promoted by the Faculty of Institutional Communication on April 27 and 28 2017....
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, Press Office bacheca
dal 27 al 28 aprile 2017 DOSTOEVSKIJ: ABITARE IL MISTERO Informazioni Galleria fotografica
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, Press Office bacheca
Questioni di attualità giornalistica sulla Chiesa Cattolica A Roma dal 3 marzo al 9 giugno 2017. Informazioni ed iscrizioni
Teologia bacheca
On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (on April, 16), the Research Center for Interdisciplinary Documentation on Science and Faith (DISF) posted on its webpage a collection of "readings about faith and reason," relating to speeches and homilies delivered overed the years by Joseph Ratzinger....
MCE bacheca
Management for Ecclesiastics. Pastoral Instruction for the Church’s Resources. MCE Research Centre’s new course is designed for those students who will be responsible for managing the Church’s goods, which—as canon law and Pope Francis himself attest—must be administered with the diligence of a good householder (cfr. canon 1284). The course, taught by prof. Jesús Miñambres...
MCE bacheca
MCE with the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture and the Catholic Research Economists Discussion Organization are organizing a Seminar about Economics and Catholic Social Thought. The Course will be from 22 to 27 of May This seminar is designed as an introduction and immersion into Catholic social thought for graduate students...
Diritto Canonico bacheca
Convegno di Storia del Diritto - Université Paris Sud LA DÉPOSITION DU PAPE Lieux théologiques – Modèles canoniques Enjeux constitutionnels Colloque international – 30 et 31 mars 2017 – Laboratoire Droit & Sociétés religieuses
Diritto Canonico bacheca
Seminario per Professori - Facoltà di Diritto Canonico La durata della vita coniugale. Valore probatorio alla luce della giurisprudenza rotale Prof. Francesco Catozzella, Pontificia Università Lateranense 30 marzo 2017, ore 11:30 Aula Benedetto XVI  
Diritto Canonico
In collaboration with the Italian Association of Canon Law, the Faculty of Canon Law organized on March 23, 2017 (8:30, Aula Magna "John Paul II") a workshop on the subject, The right to defense in the canonical process....
Comunicazione Istituzionale
The online course on Familiy and the Media, promoted by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and by Familyandmedia, is ready to be released. It consists of 10 video lessons that analyze the relationship between family and mass media, with a perspective that is realistic, critical, and positive. The objective is teaching about media...
Teologia , Filosofia , Diritto Canonico , Comunicazione Istituzionale , Benefattori , Press Office
The Alumni Association organized on Friday, March 17 (15:45, Aula Magna "John Paul II") the preview screening of the film The Healer, Lo Que de Verdad Matter, written and directed by Paco Arango.   ...
Diritto Canonico
On the 13th and 14th of March 2017, at the initiative of the School of Canon Law, took place the 21st Congress of studies on the subject, Codification and Law in the Church. "The Centenary of the first codification invites the canonist to question the historical significance of the decision to give a systematic order to ecclesiastical legislation; on the consequences of...
MCE bacheca, Teologia bacheca, Press Office bacheca
The Heart of Work The Future of Work and its Meaning: New Christian Perspectives 500 Years after the Reformation Rome, October 19-20, 2017. The theme of this Congress is professional work as a human activity within the social context of the West. Work is a constant in human life... More Information and Online...


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