Student Representative Rules

1. Student Representation

Article 1

The student representative bodies must officially act on the legitimate interests and aspirations of the Pontificial University of the Holy Cross’ students.

Article 2

Notwithstanding the fact that every student has the right to communicate their own requests to the academic authorities and to associate with other students, the only legitimate student representative student bodies are those defined in these Regulations, as the only legitimate student representatives are those elected in concordance with the norms stipulated in these Regulations.

Article 3

The student representative bodies have the sole function of representing students as regards university issues and in accordance with these regulations. They are forbidden to take positions or actively participate in any other sectors and must be independent of any other groups, political parties or associations.

2. Student Representative Structure

2.1.Course or Specialization representatives

Article 4

Student representatives are organized by course year or specialization (as in the second cycle of the School of theology faculty). Each course or specialization council is to be made up of the following:
1) Representative
2) Deputy representative
3) Counsellors, counted on the basis of one for every twenty students enrolled in the course or specialization, or fraction of twenty above or equal to ten.

Article 5

The Course or Specialization Council is charged with dealing with all matters relevant to the course or specialization, in particular:
1) maintaining contact with the professors, the faculty studies coordinator and the academic authorities;
2) collaborating regarding the number and distribution of the examinations in compliance with the university norms;
3) participating in the application of any measures taken regarding the course or specialization and communicate any questions raised by students.

Article 6

Course or specialization counsellors are obliged to:
1) Convene the course or specialization council, either on their own initiative, as requested by the majority of council members or the majority of students enrolled in the course or specialization, or as requested by the relevant academic authorities;
2) prepare the council meeting’s agenda, regulate its procedure and monitor all proceedings;
3) represent the course or specialization council in relations with the academic authorities;
4) participate in the faculty students’ council;
5) chair the course or specialization’s general student meetings;
6) participate in the course or specialization’s professor coordination meetings;
7) inform the course or specialization students of any issues regarding them.

Article 7

The course or specialization deputy representative is obliged to:
1) substitute the course or specialization representative in the case of their absence;
2) participate in the faculty student council, except in the case of specialization deputy representatives.

Article 8

As with representatives and deputy representatives, all counsellors are valid members of their council with the right to express themselves and to vote and are obliged to carry out any tasks given to them by the council.

2.2. Student schoolFaculty representatives

Article 9

The faculty Student school council is responsible for the representatives of each faculty, which is made up of the course or specialization representative and deputy representative and chaired by the schoolfaculty representative or deputy representative in their absence.

Article 10

The student school faculty council is responsible for all issues regarding two or more courses or specializations of the faculty or the faculty itself. It is responsible in particular for:
1) communicating any issues regarding the faculty’s students to the faculty directional committee by the of the faculty studies coordinator;
2) participating in the running of the faculty and the university in accordance with Article 11;
3) organizing academic, sporting, social or other appropriate activities in accordance with university norms;
4) maintaining dialogue with the academic authorities and providing students with any relevant information regarding financial aid, enrolment procedures etc.

Article 11

The school’s student representative and deputy representative are obliged to comply by articles 6 and 7. They are also full members with voting rights of the school council.

2.3. Student members of the Academic Senate

Article 12

Two representatives who have been enrolled for at least one year (see Statutes, art. 16) and chosen by the schoolsfaculties’ representatives may be members of the Academic Senate. These representatives are to be known as the Students’ University Representatives and have a mandate of two years. Students who intend on remaining at the university for only one more year are also eligible for this role.

3. Representatives' Election and Mandate

Article 13

Representatives’ elections are to be held on the date set by the faculty studies coordinator, having consulted with schoolfaculty’s outgoing council. The Secretary General of the university is to make public the electoral role at least ten working days before the set date. He is also to make public a list of all course students’ names in alphabetical order.

Article 14

All enrolled students may elect their representative, deputy representative and counsellors for each course or specialization. If a student is enrolled in more than one course, they may only be voted for in the upper course.

Article 15

Voting day is considered as an electoral division and is to be presided a professor nominated by the relevant faculty’s Deacon, as well as the two students who occupy the first and last positions in the list as stipulated in Article 13. In the case of their absence they are to be replaced by the nearest persons on the list.

Before the election, the president of the electoral division will offer the opportunity to the students to present their candidacy and preside over any speeches, which may not last more than three minutes.

The outcome of the elections are irrevocable and to be communicated to the Secretary General who will publish the names of those elected on the university notice board and the relevant internet page. The mandate of those elected who accept their position is effective from this same moment.

Article 16

Two votes are to be cast in each electoral division in written and secret form. In the first, the student places one vote for their chosen course representative. In the case of a tie between the two most voted candidates, a second ballot will be held. In the second, the student votes for the remaining positions (deputy representative and counsellors). The student who receives the highest number of votes is elected as deputy representative, while the following are elected as counsellors until the number established in Article 4.3 has been reached. In the case of a tie between the highest voted candidates, a second ballot will be held. Neither vote requires a quorum.

Article 17

The school students’ representative and deputy representative are chosen by the representatives and deputy representatives of each course or specialization between each other, on a date and location previously established with the faculty studies coordinator. This election is carried out in separate votes for each position, in personal, written and secret form. A three quarters majority is required. In the first ballot students are elected if they receive an absolute majority of valid votes. If necessary, a second ballot can be held in which a relevant majority is sufficient. The studies coordinator will communicate the results to the Secretary General who will publish these on the university noticeboard the relevant website page. Elected students enter officially in office from that moment.

Article 18

If an elected member withdraws, the school’s representatives and deputy representatives will meet on a date and place agrees with studies coordinator to elect a new representative. A single vote will be held in written, personal and secret form. The student who gains the majority of valid votes is elected. The presence of a three quarters majority of those entitled to vote is required. The elected students must sign their acceptance of their position in the presence of the Secretary General. From this moment they officially enter in office.

Article 19

Representatives may leave their position for the following reasons:
1) voluntary demission accepted by the relevant council;
2) termination of their position as student;
3) the entering in office of new representatives;
4) removal from office when the majority of the representative’s electors pass a vote of no confidence by a two thirds majority.

The empty position is to be filled by means of a new election according the norms of these Regulations.

4. General Terms

Article 20

In order for decisions made by the student councils to be valid, the following conditions are required: the timely convening of its members; the majority of council members to be present and the passing of any motion by the majority of those present. The chairman of the meeting is chosen by vote. Before any vote, any member of the counsel may request a secret ballot.

Article 21

Each council may act in its realm as stipulated by these Regulations. An upper council may deal with issues pertaining to a lower council only when requested by a two-thirds majority of the students represented by the lower council.

Article 22

Student representative funds – either from university subsidies, student contributions or other sources – may only be dealt with by the representative or deputy representative of the relevant school, course or specialization, together and in accordance with their level. The councils approve an annual budget and make any necessary changes. Representatives and deputy representatives must answer to their respective councils.

Article 23

General student meetings – either course, specialization or Schoolfaculty – should be convened by the relevant council and held at the time, day and place as agreed with the appropriate academic authority and should be carried out in accordance with Article 18.

Article 24

Student school councils may propose any modifications to these Regulations to the Rector of the University. The consensus of the majority of its members is required in order to take such action.

Article 25

Student representatives are strictly obliged to maintain the confidentiality of any information of a personal, academic or financial nature etc. or regards their colleagues or the university, to which they may have access thanks their position. The violation of such confidentiality is punishable in accordance with the university’s student discipline rules.


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