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Forthcoming Events

From January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, the VIII Seminar Week for Trainers took place titled "Pastori secondo il Cuore di Cristo. La dimensione pastorale della formazione sacerdotale". The activity was aimed at priests holding positions in seminaries and sought to initiate a shared reflection and fruitful discussion among the various stakeholders involved in the formation of candidates for the priesthood.
From January 21 to 25, 2024, at the Bonus Pastor, the Research Center DISF and the School of Philosophy of our University organized a seminar titled Creativity: Innovation, Transmission, and Motivation in Animals, Humans, and Societies.
The event, with participants from various fields of study - from theology to sociology, from archaeology to economics - addressed the two crucial dimensions for investigating creativity: the social and the environmental. Attention was also focused on cultural transmission strategies as a key element for the emergence of innovations. Finally, the theme of language and its role in creativity was
Starting from this academic year, the Theology course on Sfide attuali dell’etica politica nel campo della vita e del matrimonio is open to external participants. Taught in Spanish by the emeritus professor Angel Rodríguez Luño, the course delves into the specific perspective of political ethics and its primary goal, which is the common good of society. In the second part of the course, challenges related to the defense of human life, marriage, and family, as well as gender identity, will be examined, always from the perspective of ethical-political reflection. Classes will take place every Tuesday from February 13th to May 21st, 2024, from 3:55 PM to 5:35 PM. External participants can
On Friday, January 26, 2024, our University hosted a group of 48 students from a French classical high school in Andorra who made a stop in Rome during an organized trip around Italy.
The Ambassador of Andorra to the Holy See suggested that the students undertake a special visit to our institution, which welcomed them with enthusiasm and hospitality. In a specially arranged meeting, the students had the opportunity to get a close look at our academic reality. Professor Arasa,
This year as well, the Embassy of France to the Holy See and the Pious Establishments of France in Rome and Loreto are offering 50 scholarships for the French language. The initiative includes a one-month stay (July or August) in Paris, at the Institut Catholique. The call is open to students of any nationality - priests and seminarians, nuns and monks, laymen and laywomen - who wish to enhance their proficiency in French for their study projects, research work, professional or pastoral endeavors. The minimum required French proficiency level is A2. Applications are open until February 25th. For further
On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 (from 4:30 to 6:30 PM, Benedetto XVI Hall), the School of Theology, in collaboration with the DISF Research Center, has organized a public conference titled "The Word became flesh - Deep Incarnation in the 4th Century and today."
Moderated by professor Claudio Tagliapietra, the event featured professor Giulio Maspero delivering a presentation titled "Deep Incarnation and the Cappadocian's Relational Ontology" and professor Niels H. Gregersen with a presentation titled "Deep Incarnation and Chalcedon: Inspirations from the Cappadocian
On Tuesday, January 16, 2024 (at 3:30 PM, Á. del Portillo Hall), organized by the School of Philosophy, the Study Day "Libertà in gioco" took place. A philosophical reflection based on the book by E. Dezza, A. Nannini, and D. Riserbato, "Intorno al futuro. Volontà e contingenza secondo Duns Scoto" (Around the Future: Will and Contingency According to Duns Scotus). Poster I Program
From January 11 to 15, 2024, a group of students from the University of Missouri Columbia School of Journalism were once again welcomed by our School of Communication.
As part of their Europe Tour 2024, around twenty students who, for 10 days, visit various European cities such as Brussels, Prague, and Barcelona, arrived in Rome where our School of Communication organized a training and cultural program for them. The program included a session on storytelling, a meeting with two young journalists (Matteo Ciofi from EWTN and Anneliese Taggart from Rome Reports) discussing their experience in
Starting from this academic year, our University has introduced multimedia interactive whiteboards in classrooms A209 (second floor) and A305 (third floor) for use by both faculty and students. The new equipment will enable traditional lectures to be conducted with the aid of advanced technology. Simultaneously, interactive hybrid classes (in-person and streaming) can be facilitated. The provision of these whiteboards will also allow for the recording of lectures and courses, which can be later disseminated to a broader audience. This initial investment, currently in the experimental phase, may be expanded over time to include other classrooms. It positions the University of the Holy Cross as technologically advanced and a pioneer in such innovation among the


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