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Forthcoming Events

On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, (4 p.m., Álvaro del Portillo Lecture Hall) there was the presentation of the book Indigenous People and Christians? The Dialogue between Evangelization and Indigenous Cultures in Latin America (15th-18th Centuries), published by TAU Editrice and written by Prof. Luis Martínez Ferrer, Professor of Modern and Contemporary Church History at our university. The event’s speakers were María Pilar Martino, from the Complutense University of Madrid, and Saqijix López Ixcoy, from the Rafael Landívar University in Guatemala. They spoke with the author about the theme of
The new semi-annual issue (36, No. 2 - 2022) of Annales Theologici, the international journal published by the School of Theology, on the theme The Synodality of the Church was recently  published. This edition delves deeper into the topic in a systematic and didactic way, and offers an excellent opportunity for reflection in light of the upcoming General Assembly of Synods 2023-2024. Go to the volume
From May 2-4, 2023, the School of Church Communications was held the 13th Professional Seminar on Church Communication Offices entitled "Relevance and Listening: Communicating the Christian Message in the Plurality of Contemporary Voices." Program Informative Note
The School of Theology has organized a study day on April 27, 2023 (8:45 a.m. – 5:45 p.m., Aula Magna Giovanni Paolo II) which deepened consecrated life, entitled Identity and Prophecy, Modern and Ancient Forms of Consecrated Life in Dialogue. The event’s purpose was to help us learn from one another, recognizing that we are all part of the same story, has united theological reflection and life testimonies to shed light on the prophetic identity that defines consecrated life in the church.   Information I Informative note
On Friday, April 28, 2023, the School of Church Communications celebrated the feast day (one day early) of its patron saint, St. Catherine of Siena, with a pilgrimage to the Tre Fontane Abbey and the Grotto of the Virgin of Revelation in Rome, where they will take part in a Holy Mass in the St. Josemaría Parish in EUR.
The School of Canon Law of the Holy Cross and the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, together with the Angelicum Thomistic Institute, have organized an academic conference entitled The Concept of "Ius" in Thomas Aquinas. The event will take place on April 21 and 22, 2023. This analysis takes into consideration the entirety of Aquinas' account of lex from the Prima Secundae of the Summa Theologiae, as this account is interrelated with his understanding of lex as a ratio of ius (from S. Th. II-II, q. 57, a. 1, ad 2). The conference also aims to analyze the inherent connection between justice which has ius as its object—the legal aspect of iustitia—and broader issues of the divine-salvific and moral aspects of justice. The university
On Thursday, April 13, 2023, upon the conclusion of the Liturgical Sacramental Theology Course, third-year (Cycle I) students of the ISSR all’Apollinare, together with some students from other schools of the university, followed a lecture on the history of the Holy Mass at the Basilica of St. Clement in Rome. They were led be Prof. Angelo D'Acunto, professor of Liturgical-Sacramental Theology 1. The basilica preserves the liturgical structure of the ancient Papal Mass preceding the 11th century. The students visited the church’s underground, housing the tomb of St. Cyril, the ancient mithraeum, and the domus from the Proto-Imperial period.
Manifattura Fiamminga, Bruxelles, bottega di Pieter van Aelst (m. Bruxelles 1532); cartone della scuola di Raffaello Sanzio (Urbino 1483 - Roma 1520), La Resurrezione, arazzo, 1525 – 1531, © Musei Vaticani
Dear professors, students, administrative and technical staff, and all members of the academic community, I want to wish you a very happy, holy Easter, filled with peace. Jesus is risen and this must bring us peace. Jesus conquered death, and we would be of help and comfort to the Lord if we would take the lives of others to heart. This is my wish for all of you and your families. "Easter is (...) the true feast of God and humanity, because the peace that Christ gained on the cross in giving himself is distributed to us. Therefore, the Risen Christ, on Easter Day, appears to the disciples, and how does he greet them be with you; how does he greet them? «Peace be with you!» (John 20:19 - 21). This is the greeting of Christ victorious, of the Risen
"In Search of Happiness" is the theme of UNIV 2023; students from more than a hundred universities around the world gathered in Rome for Holy Week. On Tuesday, April 4, they held an academic session at our university. UNIV is a university forum that has been around since 1968; it was inspired by St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei.


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