Participation is open to both students and faculty. The six sessions will be held on Tuesday afternoons (at 3:00 PM in room A207). It is possible to earn 3 CFU (university credits).
Program and Information

Starting from October 10, 2023, on the initiative of the Department of Church History of the School of Theology, a new edition of the Permanent Seminar on Church History will take place. The theme for this year will focus on the History of Evangelization in the Modern and Contemporary Era.

During the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, the fourth edition of the course on Priestly Accompaniment in the Marriage Journey will be offered.
There will be nine class sessions, from Oct. 17 to Dec. 12, 2023, and it will be taught by professors from the university and other experts in family guidance.
The course is designed for priests and other agents of marriage ministry and will cover topics like pastoral accompaniment of spouses, premarital courses, weddings, helping couples in crisis, discernment of possible nullity cases, and the pastoral challenges of accompanying remarried divorcees.
Classes will be held on Tuesdays

The new issue of Notizie dalla Santa Croce, the free internal bulletin published by the University Communications Service, is being distributed these days.
Download Now

On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, the Inauguration Ceremony opening the 2023-24 academic year took place.
The traditional votive Mass of the Holy Spirit was held in Sant'Apollinare Basilica, presided by the Grand Chancellor of the University, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, and con-celebrated by clergy from the different schools.
In Aula Magna 'Giovanni Paolo II', the Solemn Academic Act took place.
Chronicle in Italian

From Tuesday, Sept. 19 to Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023, our School of Theology, in collaboration with the University of Navarra’s Faculty of Theology, has organized a “refresher course” entitled The Resurrection of Christ and the Final Resurrection.
The course aimed to offer theology alumni and faculty tools and topics to deepen Christian faith in the resurrection. Sessions, led by experienced theologians, were accompanied by interdisciplinary presentations designed to broaden the course’s topics.
The main objectives included biblical-theological actualization, reflection on the proclamation of the

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Start of the academic year
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Start of classes (first semester)
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Welcome day for new students
Saturday, December 16, 2023 – Sunday, January 7, 2024
Christmas break
Monday, January 8, 2024
Classes again after Christmas break
Friday, January 19, 2024

September 1 to November 30, 2023, registration is open for Academic Year 2023/24 for the biblical and anthropological addresses of the two-year specialist degree in Religious Studies.
For information Click here
Or issrapoll [at] (email)

This July,(from 8:45 a.m. – 5 p.m., in Aule A301, A305, A306, A308), the Polis Institute of Jerusalem will be holding intensive language courses in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, as well as a methodology course for professors at the university.
Classes are taught in Latin, Greek, or Hebrew, thus making the language studied the only means of communication within the classroom.
For Santa Croce students, credits earned may be recognized by their respective deans after applying them as credits that go toward their Licenza.

Effective October 1, 2023, the Grand Chancellor of the University, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz – after confirmation obtained from the Dicastery for Culture and Education – appointed the following professors for the next four years, from 2024 to 2028:
- rev. prof. Fernando Puig, Dean of the School of Canon Law
- rev. prof. Francisco Fernández Labastida, Dean of the School of Philosophy
and confirmed for an additional term Prof. Daniel Arasa, Dean of the School of Social Institutional Communications.
Effective the same date and with the consent of the Grand Chancellor, Dean Luis Navarro appointed as Vice Deans:
- rev. prof. Pablo Requena, School of Theology