The new issue of Notizie dalla Santa Croce, the free internal bulletin published by the University Communication Office, is being distributed these days.
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On Monday, October 4, 2021, the Inauguration Ceremony opening the 2021/2022 Academic Year took place.
The traditional votive Mass of the Holy Spirit was held in Sant'Apollinare Basilica (9.30 a.m.), presided by the Grand Chancellor of the University, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, and con-celebrated by clergy from the different schools.
In Aula Magna 'Giovanni Paolo II', the Solemn Academic Act took place (11 a.m.). Prof. Giorgio Faro, from the School of Philosophy, gave the inaugural speech on the theme Indagine sul senso del lavoro, attraverso immagini allusive e paradossi.
The Academic Act was ollowed in

Covering Catholicism in the Age of Francis
The Church Up Close Seminar 2021 will take place online in two FREE webinars on:
Thursday, 23 September
Tuesday, 28 September
Information | Registration online
Press Release

Ensuring an equitable distribution of vaccines in the world: Santa Croce participates in a round table discussion on the commitment of Catholic-inspired institutions and companies to ensure assistance to the most vulnerable communities and countries. The meeting, promoted in collaboration with Harambee Africa Internazionale and Rome Reports Tv News Agency, will take place online on 27 September 2021 at 16:00 and will be broadcast on the Rome Reports Youtube channel.
To participate in the presence, it is necessary to comunicazione [at] harambee-africa.org (book here).

The Schools of Theology of our University and the Universidad de Navarra organized a Refresher course in Theology entitled "Canon and apocryphal: the sense of a distinction".
More information | Online registration

As part of the activities organized for its 25th anniversary (1996-2021) the School of Church Communications has prepared the free online course (MOOC) on the Institutional Communication of the Church: Management, Relations and Digital Strategy.
The purpose of the course is to provide basic knowledge – so, it is for people who are not necessarily specialists – on the communication of Church institutions, from the competencies of the Communications Director to departmental strategies, from management to interaction with external audiences, including media relations, as well as a

The Academic Guide for the year 2021/2022 is available for consultation.
Academic guide

The following appointments have been made by the Grand Chancellor of the University, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, and are effective for four years starting with the 2021-2022 academic year and lasting until the end of the 2024-2025 academic year:
Professor Juan Manuel Mora will take on the position of Vice-Rector for Communication, replacing Professor Diego Contreras, who has held the position for the last eight years.
Rev. Jesús Saenz has been appointed Secretary General, replacing Rev. Manuel Miedes.
Rev. Manuel Miedes has been appointed University Chaplain, replacing Rev. Antonio Rodríguez de Rivera, who returns to other