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Forthcoming Events

A “University Life” event will be held on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (at 3:15 p.m. in the Academic Senate Hall "Benedict XVI"). Prof. Giuseppe Barzaghi will be giving a seminar entitled “Becoming, Tternity, and Divinity: Contradictions and Solutions.Mercoledì 29 marzo 2023 (ore 15.15 aula Senato Accademico "Benedetto XVI") come evento di Vita Universitaria, si svolgerà un seminario tenuto dal prof. Giuseppe Barzaghi, dal titolo Divenire, eternità e divinità: contraddizioni e soluzioni.
Organized by the School of Canon Law and the Center for Legal Studies on the Family, the interdisciplinary study day on The Family as a Primary Evangelizing Subject was held on Thursday, March 23, 2023. The initiative was in response to Pope Francis' latest address to families on the World Meeting of Families 2022. In his address, he explained that every family “has a mission to carry out in the world, a testimony to give” and invited them to allow themselves to be transformed by the Lord “so that [you] too can change the world and make it ‘home’ for all those who need to feel welcomed and accepted, for all those who need to encounter Christ and to know that they are loved
From March 16-18, 2023, the university’s School of Theology, together with The Research Group of Relational Ontology (ROR), the University of Notre Dame, the Angelicum, and the Tantur Ecumenical Institute, will hold a Congress entitled Trinitarian Ontology? An Ecumenical Issue. On Friday, March 17, 2023 (12–6:30 p.m., Álvaro del Portillo Lecture Hall), our university will host a day of the Congress with talks by Rowan Williams (Cambridge), Giulio Maspero (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross), and Isidoros Katsos (Oxford).  
On Wednesday, March 15, 2023 (9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Aula Magna Giovanni Paolo II), the School of Church Communications – together with the ISCOM Association – will be hosting a Study Day entitled "Artificial Intelligence: A Challenge for Information." This meeting is the fourth of a series which met previously on October 29, 2019, January 29, 2021, and March 16, 2022. This Study Day will attempt to answer a few questions: Is it possible to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the
Saturday, March 11 and Saturday, March 18, 2023: training for high school teachers. For more information, view the event poster.
Participation in the event will be both online and in-person.
Registration is mandatory for both.
For information click here or
The DISF Research Center, in collaboration with the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross’ School of Theology, organized the conference "Secularity and science: what scientists in Italy really think about religion," by Dr. Brandon Vaidyanathan, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology The Catholic University of America. Prof. Giuseppe Tanzella Nitti and Prof. Claudio Tagliapietra took part in the meeting.     Poster | Website      
In celebration of International Women's Day, on March 8, 2023, Roman Pontifical Universities and Dicasteries of the Roman Curia will participate in the event “Women in the Church: Makers of Mankind.” The gathering will take place in the John Paul II Hall at the Pontifical Urban University, starting at 4 p.m. Vice Rector Prof. Cristina Reyes will be representing our university. ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 852 8315 9581 Passcode: 269229   More information / Poster
Meetings on Lent with Fr. Fabio Rosini are currently underway. Fr. Rosini is a professor in the Faculty of Theology and director of the Diocese of Rome Vocations Service. The meetings are open to priests, seminarians, and students and are designed to help in the preparation of Lenten Sunday homilies. Meetings are to be held March 3, 10, 17, and 31, 2023. Aula A301 dalle 11 alle 12.30 Poster  
On Saturday, March 4, 2023, from 9 a.m. to about 12:30 p.m., L'Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose all'Apollinare hosted a study day, entitled “The Challenge of New Spiritualities and Post-Humanism.” Poster Participation was both online and in person


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