Interdisciplinary day on family and evangelization, March 23, 2023

Organized by the School of Canon Law and the Center for Legal Studies on the Family, the interdisciplinary study day on The Family as a Primary Evangelizing Subject was held on Thursday, March 23, 2023.
The initiative was in response to Pope Francis' latest address to families on the World Meeting of Families 2022. In his address, he explained that every family “has a mission to carry out in the world, a testimony to give” and invited them to allow themselves to be transformed by the Lord “so that [you] too can change the world and make it ‘home’ for all those who need to feel welcomed and accepted, for all those who need to encounter Christ and to know that they are loved.”
The event had an interdisciplinary approach, embracing theological, pastoral, sociological, canonological, psychological, and communication perspectives. Its goal was to foster an overall reflection on the evangelization mission that falls upon the family unit.