Educating young people about love and friendship through the classics
Friday November 23, 2018
Auditorium "Giovanni Paolo II"
8.45 Arrival of participants
9.00 Welcome from the Dean of the School of Communication
Rev. Prof. José María La Porte
9.10 Presentation of the project Educating young people about love and friendship through the classics
Prof. Norberto González Gaitano (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome)
9.30 What do young people read and see? Results of the international survey in 9 countries
Dr. David Iglesias Pérez (GAD 3, Madrid Spain)
10.00 Anna Karenina
Prof. Armando Fumagalli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy)
10.30 Pride and prejudice
Dr. Natalia Sanmartín Fenollera
(Writer and author of the international best-seller The Awakening of Miss Prim, Spain)
11.00 Break
11.30 The painted veil
Rev. Prof. Antonio Malo (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome)
12.00 End of session
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15.30 Love and Friendship in William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing
Prof. Travis Curtright (Ave Maria University, Florida, USA)
16.00 The lord of the rings
Prof. Andrea Monda (writer, Italy)
16.30 Every story is a love story
Prof. Alessandro D’Avenia (writer, Italy)
17.00 Round table with all the participants
17.30 Conclusions
Update October 17, 2018
CEGG - Chair
Elina Gianoli Gainza