The University hosts the boys and girls of UNIV 2024, who have come to Rome for Holy Week

Also this year, our University hosted the boys and girls of UNIV 2024 participating in the international meeting among university students born on the initiative of St. Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei.
Approximately 3000 young people have arrived in Rome to experience a Holy Week filled with training sessions, moments of prayer, opportunities to be together, and to participate alongside Pope Francis in liturgical ceremonies.
This year's theme is The Human Factor, with reflections on the technological advancements of Artificial Intelligence prompting questions such as: what is human intelligence? What is human creativity? Or, delving even deeper: what makes us human?
The UNIV participants had their academic session at the University on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, while the following day, it was the girls who took part in a series of workshops.