
  • Milestone 1: Teaching training course (2024)
  • Milestone 2: Conference: “Perspectives on Altruism: Empathy, Compassion, Care" (PUSC, 2025)
  • Milestone 3: Conference: “Culture of Care and Human Ecology” (UVa, 2026)
  • Milestone 4: Conference: “Pain, Suffering, Freedom from Evil” (Università di Messina, 2027)
  • Milestone 5: Concluding Workshop 
  • Output 1: Update and development of the IFA website
  • Output 2: publication of the SI in the journal “Naturaleza y libertad


Between 6th and 8th of March 2025 the Research Group For a Culture of Care: A Response to the Anthropological Crisis will held the XXV International Study Conference that aims to explore—both theoretically and practically—the issue of altruism as an essential bond between the self and the other, and as a distinctive trait of humanity. Philosophical reflection on altruism will be approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, engaging fields such as medicine, ecology, communication, pedagogy, theology, and sociology.

In line with the objectives of the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, the Rectorate has established the Research Laboratory Santa Croce .

This new entity will specifically focus on coordinating and providing support to the research groups that have formed as a result of the Call for Projects of the academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24, as emphasized by the Vice-Rector of the University, Rev. Prof. Giovanni Zaccaria, to whom the Laboratory is organically dependent.

In linea con gli obiettivi del Piano strategico 2024-2029 dell'Università, è stata annunciata la creazione, da parte del Rettorato, del nuovo Laboratorio di Ricerca Santa Croce.

A questo proposito, pubblichiamo una breve intervista al Vicerettore, rev. prof. Giovanni Zaccaria, da cui dipende organicamente il Laboratorio.

Come nasce il Laboratorio di Ricerca Santa Croce?

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